There's Always So Much to Say on Monday

Somehow this little rosebud picture got misplaced when I was working on editing my photos for I Heart Macro yesterday.

It couldn't have been the hastiness of my trying to get that post written that made me lose the photo. . .nooooo that couldn't be it. In any case, since I found it this morning I thought I'd go ahead and share it today!

I'm still trying to decide what else I'll be doing today. . .chores of course. But, I'm not sure how much more of the craft room I need to work on or how much more I WANT to work on it until I find the additional pieces for my re-design. Either way, clearing off a few more surfaces will be in those plans. Then. . .I might just create something. We'll see. That might be too ambitious for me right now.

I mean, I've already created the menu for this week. . .
Speaking of which, here's my newly crafted meal plan for Menu Plan Monday. Check out more over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.
B: Cereal
L: Turkey sandwiches, fruit
D: Stroganoff, green beans

B: Bacon, eggs, toast
L: Leftovers
D:  Crockpot chicken, salad, mashed potatoes

B: PB toast
L: Tuna noodles
D: Hope out, Pat on own

B: Cereal
L: Turkey quesidillas
D: Tortilla soup (from freezer)

B: Omelets
L: Chicken salad
D: Pat gig, Hope on own

B: Waffles
L: PB&J rollups
D: Grilled steak, grilled veggie kabobs, brown rice

B: Breakfast burritos
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Mac-n-cheese with conecuh sausage, peas

I know I've been lacking lately in sharing giveaways, but I've been WAY BEHIND on my blog reading and by the time I get to it. . .the giveaway is OVER. However, I'm catching up and have these two to share today.
1. Andrew Thornton is giving away a very nice set of ImpressArt design stamps. The stamp designs are their entire "Shabby Chic" line and are awesome!!
2. Tish at JustATish Designs has a fab copper tree pendant from ArtBeads and a $20 gift certificate that she is offering up.Too cool!!

[Both of these giveaways simply ask for a comment. You can also get additional entries to both of them by tweeting, FB announcing, and blogging about the giveaways. Please go to their blog posts for the specifics!]

Before I head out for the day and try to get to those tasks I mentioned, let me share with you what's new in the shop.
Sweet Simplicity Earrings
Music to My Earrings - 20% OFF
Have a fabulous Monday!


  1. What a beautiful picture of the rose!

    We're going to have Stroganoff, too this week - but I think I planned it somewhere at the end :) Happy Monday, Love!

  2. Bibi- Yeah, I was upset when I thought I had lost it. Whew!

    Hubs LOVES stroganoff and I didn't get to it last week so I made sure to make it first on the list this week. :D


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