Peek at My Week (Nov. 22-28)

Another week in the books! While there have been projects on my desk all week, it wasn't as productive a week as the one before. But, it was a holiday/vacation week for us and I spent the bulk of my time working on promoting the sale in the Etsy Shop. However, I did squeeze in some fun too.
We spent another Sunday in the woods of Blakely State Park. This time, though, we kept an eye on the map and didn't wear ourselves slap out. After that, Pat and I ran errands and worked on a few things around the house.

The Big Green Tree Machine showed up earlier on Monday than we expected. But, we couldn't complain. We were glad to see them and get the downed trees out of here. 
We toasted to their removal in the evening!

As I mentioned above, this week was a "vacation". This just meant that Pat took the week off to get some tasks done around the property. The main thing was to replace some of the shed which he started in earnest on Tuesday.
It took him much of the week. This one side was the hardest, and he needed my help a little to get the board in place. I alternated between chores and online work.

And, as I became increasingly frustrated with the lack of pockets in the pants I was wearing, I tweeted this.
I'm serious about this. I don't plan to buy ANY more pants that don't have adequate pockets. And, for that matter, I won't be buying skirts or dresses without them either. Are you as frustrated as I am? Have you seen the size of pockets that guys get? Grrrr!

I started Wednesday morning by making sure I shared about the sale in my shop

From there, I decided to center myself a little by working on an art journal spread.

After that, it was off to my mom's to help her with some of the Thanksgiving dinner preparations.

I mostly made the sweet potato pies, helped with the pecan pie, and assisted my mom in getting other tasks sorted. But, look at my pies!
I never make pies, so even as ugly as these are, I'm still pretty proud of them.

Thursday was Thanksgiving. And, is usually the case, I was too busy visiting to take any pictures. It was a small gathering of just my mom and step-dad, my nieces and their boyfriends, and Pat and me. So, I felt pretty safe with that arrangement. And, it was quite bittersweet as we were all missing my grandmother. 
I did get a quick shot of my niece's cat, Milo, and his shenanigans while we were eating.
Isn't he a goober?

Friday is my main housecleaning day. After the chores were tackled, I stayed in the craft room for most of the day, working on technical things. In the afternoon, I started focusing on making.

I feel like I spent all of Saturday promoting. It was Small Business Saturday and I wanted to share as many of the small businesses that I follow as I could in my Instagram stories. In the afternoon, we watched the Iron Bowl while I doodled. 

As you can see, I did infuse some creativity throughout the week as it snuck its way into each of my days. I hope you're finding ways to stay inspired too. Here are a few of the inspirations I found over the week. 
Alrighty, that was the week for me. I hope you're finding some joy and inspiration in these trying times. And, hey, it's officially the holiday season! So, here's hoping it's stress-free!!


This year has been full of unprecedented awful. But, there is still beauty in this world. So, on this day of thanks (Thanksgiving in America), I thought it would be best to take a chance to remind myself and share with you what I'm grateful for.

  • First, and foremost I'm thankful for my husband. There's no way I would get through this life without him by my side. He's my rock, my encourager, my everything.
  • Of course, we wouldn't be the people we are without our families. And, even through all our ups and downs and not always seeing eye-to-eye, there's no way we would have had the strength and optimism to persist in some of the challenges we've faced.
  • I'm so very thankful for our home and property. Hurricane Sally hit us hard and changed our landscape forever. But, change can be good, and we're finding that things needed to change out here. We've been given the opportunity to make our own stamp on Silverlox and not just go with the footprint that already exists. We were much luckier than some people. We realize that and are grateful. We have a secure roof over our heads and warm beds every night. That's plenty to be thankful for. 
  • The love of our pets, Zoe and Rosalina as well as the joy of raising chickens (they have no love for us, they're chickens), is something else to savor for sure.
  • Our health. We've been very fortunate to have stayed healthy this year. Though we both need check-ups, we're letting those that need medical attention have it as doctors and staff are overwhelmed with the current pandemic status.
  • We have some financial stability. There are so many who can't say the same and are really struggling this year. I recognize how privileged we are and am hoping we can find some way to give back this holiday season. 
  • Our friends. It's been a struggle to have and keep connections with so many of our friends. I have a close-knit few that I've been able to see out in the wild over this year and it's been such a joy to have that contact. I'm desperate to see and hug a few more, but despite the distance and time, I know our friends will be there on the other side of this.
  • Hobbies! Having a variety of interests in crafts and outdoor activities has definitely kept me sane.
  • Technology is a real blessing most of the time. It's helped maintain friendships, keep us entertained, and pays the bills.
  • The election of a new president. I'm so thankful. That's all I'll say about that.
  • All of you! You're included in the friend category as well, but we'll likely never see each other face-to-face. I want to make sure you know how thankful I am that you come to read my blatherings and leave comments that delight and inform me so. (Even if I am awful at responding to them sometimes.) I feel blessed to have found each of you here in this wide world of the web. Thank you for being here!
I KNOW there are many more things that could be added to this list, but it's a start. I hope you have plenty to be grateful for this year and take the time to reflect on it. Let me know what you're most thankful for below. I believe that gratitude is important to keep perspective. 
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sale in the Etsy Shop

How is your Holiday shopping coming? I've just barely begun myself and am a little ashamed to admit that. But, I know that I'm usually running a bit behind, pandemic or not! To help you get your shopping done, I've decided to offer a 20% off sale in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop (no coupon needed)! Here's some of what you'll find there.

Soldered Button Necklace

Green Ombre Embossed Earrings

Tin Cone Necklace

Double Arch Earrings

Tin and Loops Bracelet

Pistachio Key Necklace

Pink Column Earrings

And, there's plenty more to explore. In addition, I'm hoping to relist a few things that have expired. So, make sure to check back in the shop. Oh, and if you are running a little behind, the sale will be running through December 1st. Happy shopping!

Peek at My Week (Nov 15-21)

My creativity has been kicking in this week, and I couldn't be more thankful for the distraction. 

Sunday began beautifully. There was a bit of a hazy fog that diffused the sunrise and gave the morning a lovely glow. 

Back inside, I collected a few of the projects I had begun on Saturday.

Coffee-dyed papers were laid out across the kitchen island drying.

And, a copper washer was finishing up its patina process. Once I had it cleaned and sealed, it went straight into the last compartment of my Bead Box. Hopefully, I'll have version 10 to share with you before too long!

Before the day got away from us, we met some friends for a hike at Blakely State Park. Along the way, I collected colorful leaves to create this super cool rainbow of fall foliage as inspired by Rachel on Instagram

I have to admit that we got a little lost on the hike and ended up walking about five miles - much more than we had anticipated. And, we were exhausted for the rest of the day. But, it was so good to be out enjoying the fall weather. 

I found myself a little sore on Monday and took my time to get things done. While doing our grocery shopping, I couldn't resist this pile of satsumas at the farm market. 
These are some of my favorite fruits and ones that we wait all year to come into season locally. They're so good! One day our little tree will finally fruit. And, we're hoping to plant several more. We really do love them. 

Most of Tuesday was spent at the craft desk. I aged copper wire for some of the designs that were packed into the bead box.

And then, I got started on making the bead box designs. I ensured that the first few compartments held pieces that would fit into a couple of the November Challenges.

I also spent some time editing videos to share with you. 

Each evening, I go out and close up the chicken coops. I couldn't help but stop and capture these sleepy cuties as they watched the twilight ease in.

Though I had a box FULL of designs to work on, I was compelled to cut out both a few templates for tin and some tin on Wednesday.

That kept me busy most of the afternoon! In the evening, we discovered The Great Pottery Throw Down. It's a BBC program that we're able to watch on HBO Max. It's just like the Great British Bake-Off but pottery instead of cakes!

On Thursday, I happily worked on sanding and altering my little tin pieces while watching YouTube videos most of the day. 

My sister-in-law came over to help my husband with the roof of the shed. And, while I was out greeting her, the blossoms on the loquat trees caught my attention. I was trying to take a picture when a butterfly landed on the flower.

I became enamored with watching all the bees and butterflies flitting among the blooms. It was mesmerizing. Fall in the South can be pretty amazing.

But, I did have loads to do including running a few errands in the afternoon, and somehow I found myself in a thrift store. (I have no idea how that happened ;) Ha!)

On Friday, I did a little pampering before starting my day in earnest.

From there, I finished working on my tin, and we had a fire in the firepit in the evening. It was the first of the season, and I think we could have sat out there all night. I just love watching a fire, and found a dragon in ours.

Do you see it too?

I spent most of Saturday morning playing with paper techniques I had seen on the videos I watched through the week.

While I'm not a huge fan of bleach in general (the smell, the stains...ugh!), I was smitten with Aimee Bishop's results in Stamping with Bleach and had to try it myself!

From there, I went in another papercrafting direction.

I've been wanting to try the alcohol ink on the Gelli Plate technique from Birgit Koopson ever since I saw her share a peek of it on Instagram. 

In the afternoon, we watched the Alabama football game to finish the weekend.

While I didn't get many completely finished projects, I stayed creative for most of the week. And, that makes me happy. I hope you've found your creative groove this week too. If you're looking for inspiration, he's what I've found this week. 
And, that was the week for me. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Let me know what you're doing to stay busy and creative. 

How I Edit Videos in iMovie

Several months ago I was encouraged by Divya of Jewels of Sayuri to share how I make and edit my videos. I probably should start with how I make them, but that's a little harder to film. Iinstead I'm first sharing my process of editing videos in iMovie. 

Let me start by saying that I use iMovie because it came already installed on my MacBook. When I used a PC, I also used the basic editing program there too. 

To easily show you my editing process, I (of course) created a video on how to do Video Editing in iMovie. Before you watch the video, I should point out that to access the editing screen on which I start in the video, you’ll need to open iMovie. From the “Projects” screen (pictured below), click on the large “Create New” square (with the plus sign) and a small window will pop up. Click “Movie” and the editing screen like I used should open. 

From there, you can begin editing your video. Here's the video on how I do it.

I hope this eases your ability to edit your own videos. However, if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll do my best to answer them. In the meantime, I encourage you to play in and explore your editing program!

Bead Box 9 - Reveal

It's been just over two months since I shared the Bead Box that I had stocked. It's just a plain plastic organizer that I've been using for a few years to hold designs to make when I have the opportunity. Even with these planned out, I still don't get them made as fast as I want. And, since it's been so long since I shared the stocking of this one, several of the designs have already sold. But, as I've just completed stocking the tenth version of the box, it's time I show what came out of Bead Box 9.

If you're interested in the other iterations of the box, I'll have links at the end of this reveal. For now, let's get to what I made.

These Junk and Jewels earrings are made from glass buttons, key blanks, and a rhinestone chain. They were listed on Etsy and have sold.

The focal for this Blue Music Bracelet was made from a copper blank, a stamp, and Iced Enamels in turquoise. You can find it on Etsy. 

I found a pair of those large brass pieces at an antique store and have held onto them, waiting for the right designs. This necklace was listed on Etsy but has since sold. However, I still have its twin sister. 

Another antique store find was a bag of pottery shards that were marked that they had been found on Mobile Bay. I've since soldered a few of them, and this was the first to become a necklace. It sold quite quickly after I listed it on Etsy.

I love this pairing of old sparkle and new fiber to make up these simple earrings. You can find them in my booth at Southern Antiques and Accents.

I hope to make more of these shadowbox-like pendants at some point as they combine my love for using tin, mixed media techniques, and assembling materials. When I shared the elements for this bead box, a jewelry friend asked for dibs on however this one came together. I have to admit that I almost wanted to keep it for myself!

I designed this bracelet based solely on the colors of Vintaj Patinas that I used in the Tim Holtz quote band. It wasn't in the Etsy shop long.

This little soldered bubble turned out to surprisingly be one of my favorites at the end of one of my soldering sessions. I wanted to simply accent it, and a few flower beads seemed perfect. You can find this Bloom Necklace on Etsy.

I'm still a little tickled with myself for thinking to use the dalmatian jasper beads with this soldered dog pendant. It was claimed before it was even completed. 

The pendant for this necklace is another of those from the Mobile Bay bag. I shared a photo of it in progress on Instagram, and a friend asked me to save it for them.

I have to admit that I wasn't real sure about this bracelet when I pulled the elements together. I've since worn it a little and have to admit that it's remarkably comfortable since all those elements can lie flat on your wrist. This Tin and Loops Bracelet is available on Etsy. 

I wasn't sure what to do with that little oval of texture tin so I tried it in this bracelet. It doesn't work. At all.

I wasn't sure how this one would work out either but ended up really liking the end result. It's listed as Amethyst Drop Necklace on Etsy. 

I'm still a little smitten over all the texture I was able to add to the soldering on this mother-of-pearl button pendant. It's accented simply with a glass pearl and gunmetal-colored e-bead chain. I absolutely wanted to keep this Soldered Button Necklace for myself but chose to list it on Etsy. 

Yes, I know this Dream Cloud Necklace is a little odd. And, that's kinda what I like about it. I had no intention when I made the little dream charm but felt that it need something more to make it a full pendant. I wanted it to be a little dreamy and surreal and envisioned it hanging from a cloud with stars in it. So, I created it myself from some tin and Vintaj Patinas. It's on Etsy if it speaks to you.

I struggled to find beads that would have that faintly green tint of the old earring piece in them and fell upon those new jade ones. All in all, I think this Pistachio Key necklace worked out beautifully. It's still available. 

Those two little tin pieces have been floating around in my stash for ages. I'm so glad I finally bit the bullet and paired them with the little pink freshwater pearls. While these Pink Column Earrings are kinda small, their color draws the eye for sure. 

And, that completes Bead Box 9. Here are all the other Bead Box versions.

As I said, I've just finished stocking Bead Box 10. Hopefully, it won't take me two months to finish it and share what I made. Here's hoping y'all are staying safe and well!

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Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...