Personalizing My Bullet Journal with a Gelli Print

I'm a list-maker through and through. Always have been. I can't remember much or even function productively without a list. It's sad, I know. While I've gone through several versions of list-making, when I stumbled on the Bullet Journal method (as recommended by Kim of Zoot) I knew I found a method that suited what I needed. The great thing about the bullet journal is that you can personalize and mix it up to suit your style and needs. I've done just that.

I started with a basic smallish, spiral-bound graph notebook over a year ago.
I found this at Wal-mart with the school supplies
When I began, I kinda stuck to the basic instructions as portrayed in the video.
As my style evolved, and I added some color (via washi tape - love!) each day to my journal/list.
A year later. (pardon the blurs, there's just some things you don't need to know. ;)  )
I've just about finished up that original journal, and it'll be time to start a new one on the first of November. Don't think I'm weird, but I'm kinda excited about it.
The old one is well worn and loved. (The tags are Post-it Durable Filing tags that I added)
While I had intended to personalize the cover of my original one, I never seemed to get around to it. I guess I should have added it to my list. Since I've become addicted to papercrafting, I couldn't let the new one be. I sorted through some of my Gelli Plate prints and found my favorite of the bunch.
Just check out the variety of colors and textures in this print. Isn't it dreamy?
My original print was done on cardstock which seemed too heavy to adhere to the notebook, so I scanned and printed a copy of it on some basic printer paper. After some cutting and gluing, I now have a beautiful new bullet journal cover.

Much better! Now to wait and see how this one evolves. How do you handle your day-to-day lists?

Meal Plan and Recipe

Over the weekend, Pat and I decided to be more active than we have in a while and played a round of disc golf. That single 18 basket course wiped us out completely. It was shameful! It was also a stark reminder of just how lax we've been with out diet and exercise lately. Seriously shameful!! Now that my health is better (headaches are gone) and the weather is cooler, I'm hoping we can get back into some better habits. This starts with what we put into our bodies. Here's the plan for this week.

Breakfasts: Smoothies, Cereal, Toast w/PB, Conecuh (sausage) w/eggs & toast, Homemade puff pastry pop-tarts or cinnamon sticks

Lunches: Leftovers, Soup w/grilled cheese, Chicken finger wraps, Pepperoni paninis, Bean burritoes, PB&J, Cheese quesidillas

Conecuh (sausage) w/green beans & mac-n-cheese
Veggie burgers w/sweet potato fries

I'll be the first to admit that the above menu is not the most healthy, but I need to get rid of some of the junk we have on hand first. I just can't let food go to waste. Excuses, excuses. . .

Recipe Review

Sticky Orange Tofu Bowl: I think this is the second time I've made this recipe. I reviewed it back in May. This time I had more success with not caramelizing the cashews. Again, it was a wonderful use of tofu.

Mini Quiche (w/crust): I think Pat had some reservations about this recipe when I mentioned it to him. (Real men don't eat quiche or something like that.) But, I added bacon and mushrooms to bulk it up a bit. I think they were really great!

As you can see, my Monday plan fell on a Tuesday. This means I'm already a day behind in this week and desperately trying to catch up. There's so much I want to do. What have you got planned for the week?

Pinning with Purpose | Week 14

After all the birthday merriment this week/weekend, I'm running bit behind on today's Pinning with Purpose. I do hope you'll forgive me.
As a reminder, here's some info on Pinning with Purpose. Each week, I pick out a few pins from my Pinterest boards and try to recreate them or use them for inspiration. And, I challenge you to do the same. Find a pin that gets your creative juices going; be it a craft tutorial, recipe, style inspiration, or organizational tip and run with it. I encourage you to share your results on your blog and then link it up here. I do ask that if you are going to link up here, that you mention it on your blog with a link back.  As well, if you want to pin anything seen here, please make sure you go to the original post to do it.

Big thanks to Jenna at The Painted Apron for sharing her super fun and festive Halloween tablescape last week. Thank you Jenna!
Halloween Tablescape at The Painted Apron
Once again, I was too ambitious for my own good and only managed to get to one of my picked pins. (I was too busy to make dessert. How is that possible!?) The one I did focus in on was this adorable bracelet.
Delicate button bracelet tutorial from Just Crafty Enough off my Jewelry Tutorials board
I decided to be less precise with my bracelet and went for my jar of white buttons and bowl of mixed jump rings.

First, I picked out some similar-in-size buttons. From there I sorted through my jump rings for larger ones. I wasn't concerned that they match in metal or size, just that they were big enough to work.
I'm really happy with the results of this project. I ended up wearing the bracelet all day and even my 14 year-old niece noticed it. Win!

For this next week, I'll be working on. . .
Now it's your turn to share what you've been up to with your Pinterest Pins.

Thrift Store Score - Family Story in Ephemera

Over the weekend, Pat and I  hit up a local thrift store that's going out of business.At first only these two tins caught my eye.

However, as I neared the check-out counter, I spotted an old book and started flipping through the pages to find a brittle, aged piece of notebook paper. The owner noticed my interest and asked me if I like old papers. I issued an enthusiastic "Yes", and she showed me to this box.
It was a bit more. . .overflowing when I first saw it.

I couldn't resist  the call of this ephemera and paid what I thought was a reasonable price. (Was $25 too much, tell me after you see what was in there.)

Back at home a few hours later, I sorted through the box to find this treasure trove.
These Workmen's Time Books took up much of the space at the top along with the Day Book. There were also several books of what I think are deposit slips.
Unfortunately, the Day Book is mostly ruined but I can maybe salvage some of the top and outside portions.
The Time Books are full of names, dates, and hours worked.
This is one of the earlier ones, dating back to 1920
There were also several old, ragged books in the box.
I found only these three photographs in there. The portrait is an autographed picture of George Wallace.
It seems the man of the house possibly had a concrete construction business of some kind (I think) and there are all kinds of typed business letters and a few blueprints.
Letters, cards, and other written material (a play, a poem, recipes) were scattered in with the business papers.
Then there was the rest: old newspapers, pamphlets, cook books, travel souvenirs, certificates, and more.

As I dug through the box, the history of a family unfolded before me. The husband's business correspondence and documentation, the wife's letters from friends and family, recipes and cookbook pamphlets, school papers and valentine cards of their daughter's as well as her engagement announcements, and the father's obituary. I was touched at the story that played before my eyes and amazed that it all fit into the one box.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with all of it yet. I know some of it will find its way into my new mixed-media, art journal obsession and my jewelry (somehow). I'll likely make copies of some of the materials rather than tear them up, as well as share some with others interested in ephemera (let me know if you are), as that was my initial intention with getting the box. But, the history it holds now feels personal somehow. What would you do with a box of papers dating back to the early 1900s?

I'm sharing this post at:
Thrifty Things Friday at Melissa's Antiques
Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours
Thrifter Share at Hey What's For Dinner Mom
Junkin Joe at The Cottage Market 
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Thriftasaurus at Sir Thrift-a-lot
History and Home Party at We Call it Junkin
Let's Talk Vintage at Bella Rosa Antiques
Vintage Inspiration Link Party at My Salvaged Treasures 
What's it Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants

Art Journal, my new obsession

I've fallen down the rabbit hole of mixed media and art journaling. I mentioned this new obsession several weeks back, and it's only gotten worse. Other than taking some pictures and listing some items, I haven't really touched my beads. The table beside my desk currently looks like this

I've carved stamps for Pete's sake!

Here are some of the results of my messy, painty, inky play (if you follow me elsewhere, you've probably seen these.)
I don't see an end in site to this new obsession, but that's okay. I just need to get back into my beads too. I'm hoping for a more bead-centric day tomorrow. . .we'll see how that goes.

Menu Plan Monday and Recipe Review

It's seriously time to get back on track with the meal planning. Between working on the magazine and Pat being out of town, I simply didn't even bother with figuring out what I/we was (were) going to eat. That was probably a mistake as I/we ended up eating out or eating crap the majority of last week. While this week doesn't have as many meatless meals as I would usually plan for us, I'm letting myself splurge a little since it is my birthday week after all (bring on the bacon!)

Breakfasts: Cereal, Smoothies, PB toast, Cinnamon rolls, Eggs w/bacon & toast, French Toast

Lunches: PB&J, Tuna noodles, Chicken finger wrap, Pepperoni paninis, Soup w/grilled cheese, Cheese quesidillas

Bacon and mushroom Mini Quiches w/salad
Soup (from freezer: either chili, pad Thai soup, or Italian Chicken soup)
Mac-n-cheese w/conecuh sausage & green beans
Turkey Filets w/mashed potatoes & peas

As usual, I'm linking up with I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

Recipe Review

Spaghetti with Lemon and Parm: As with anything involving pasta, cheese, and lemon; I really loved this dish. It was pretty easy too. There's a definitely possibility it will be made again.

Honey brushed chicken thighs: I had the chicken thighs for another dish I had planned but never got to before some of the other ingredients. . .turned. So, I did a quick search for something flavorful and easy to do with the thighs. This was just that. However, there was something about it that was 'just okay' to me. I might make it again if I'm looking for something fast.

Parmesan basil orzo: (Another pasta and parm dish, go figure) I wanted a starchy side to go with the chicken (above) but also wanted to just use ingredients I had on hand. Somehow I have this box of orzo that seems to be self-refilling, and I always have parm in the fridge. I did substitute dried basil for the fresh, and I think that worked just fine. It was really, really good. This might come into regular rotation since I still have all this orzo!

Maybe next week I can get myself back in gear for the low meat diet we've been striving to maintain. Do you have any great vegetarian dishes? Please share.

Pinning with Purpose | Week 13

My post yesterday should have explained much of my absence this past week. However, today begins a new week and a new resolve to begin again. It's time for . . .

Here's a little bit of what Pinning with Purpose is about. Each week, I pick out a few pins from my Pinterest boards and try to recreate them or use them for inspiration. And, I challenge you to do the same. Find a pin that gets your creative juices going; be it a craft tutorial, recipe, style inspiration, or organizational tip and run with it. I encourage you to share your results on your blog and then link it up here. I do ask that if you are going to link up here, that you mention it on your blog with a link back.  As well, if you want to pin anything seen here, please make sure you go to the original post to do it.

Before I show what else I accomplished this week, let me feature the ladies who linked up last week.
Jenna's super cute Witch at the Door {The Painted Apron}
Also, Jenna's delicious-looking Pigskin Tailgate Dip {The Painted Apron}
Leslie Anne's Humidity-proof Caramel Apple results {Fairhope Supply Co.}
Thank you ladies for sharing the results your creative endeavors and linking them up here! Y'all are the best!!

I had two pins to work on this week but was only able to get to one of them:
Button-lettered pumpkin from  Easy Day's list of Pumpkin Carving Ideas
For my pumpkin, I too the more economical route and picked out a small, carvable, styrofoam one from the Dollar Tree.

Using a pencil, I sketched out my letter (because of the size of the pumpkin, I went with just a single letter; our last initial). You can see the lines of my first attempt at drawing the S. . .oops. I decided to use some gray buttons as well as the black ones and Aleene's Tacky Glue to attach them.

After letting the glue dry overnight, my button pumpkin was ready to be displayed with my other dollar store pumpkins
I know it's not perfect, but I like it nonetheless.

Now, for next week. . .
Now it's your turn to share how you've been inspired.

ZnetShows' Creative Spark Fall 2014

Hey guys! I apologize for my absence the last week or so. I've been busy! It's time again for the ZnetShows' Creative Spark online magazine and I've been working my tooshie off for getting it ready for public eyes. Today's the day it's revealed!
Creative Spark Fall 2014 Fall 2014
I do hope you find some inspiration in it as there's quite a bit of eye candy! I don't have any of my own pieces in it as I was pretty focused on just getting it published. However, I'm pretty proud of this newest issue. What do you think?

Pinning with Purpose | Week 12

Hey guys! Unfortunately, this week kicked my butt. I just woke up to realize that I had no post for Pinning with Purpose for you. I hope you aren't too disappointed.

Here's a little bit of what Pinning with Purpose is about. Each week, I pick out a few pins from my Pinterest boards and try to recreate them or use them for inspiration. And, I challenge you to do the same. Find a pin that gets your creative juices going; be it a craft tutorial, recipe, style inspiration, or organizational tip and run with it. I encourage you to share your results on your blog and then link it up here. I do ask that if you are going to link up here, that you mention it on your blog with a link back.  As well, if you want to pin anything seen here, please make sure you go to the original post to do it.

Thank you to the two ladies who shared their projects last week.
Jenna at the Painted Apron shared her yummy-looking 5-minute Trick or Treat Bars
Mischelle at Michaladas Musings created this super cute Jellyfish Pendant
Thank you so much ladies for sharing your creativity here! It's much appreciated.

Since I was busy with a wedding, a magazine, my family, and doctor appointments; I just didn't get to my own picked pins. In that case, let me just remind you what they were and promise that I will TRY to get to at least one of them this week if not both of them. 
I hope you have some time to be inspired by one of your own pins. I do apologize for my lack of something more to share with you.

Menu Plan, Recipe Review, and a Cooking Catastrophe

Ever have those kitchen disasters that at the time are horrendous, but once the horror wears off you can begin to laugh about it? Pat and I often tell the story of the Great Lasagna Incident, but we I think we may have a new kitchen accident to add to that one. Check out my review of the General Tso's Tofu below to find out exactly what kitchen mistake I made.

Breakfasts: Leftover muffins, Cereal, Smoothies, PB Toast, Eggs w/toast

Lunches: Soup w/grilled cheese, Tuna noodles, Chicken finger wrap, Cheese quesidilla, PB&J

Tacos w/corn
Chili over rice
Frozen dinner w/salad


Recipe Review

General Tso's Tofu: I've made this before and we loved it. However, this time I made the mistake of throwing my red chili flakes into the hot oil without much of anything else. This simple act resulted in me pretty much pepper-spraying the whole house. Pat and I were coughing, windows were opened, water was consumed, and there was some standing outside for a while. It was rough. Fortunately, I was able to finish cooking the dish, and it turned out fine. I will be making this again, though more carefully next time.
Garlic Roasted Cauliflower: I reviewed this yesterday in my Pinning with Purpose post. It was okay.

Pasta with Mushrooms: This is one of my favorites. It's become a comfort food for me. It was delish and I will definitely make it again.

Thai Chicken Breasts: This made a TON of peanut sauce. I accidentally misread the recipe and used sweetened instead of natural peanut butter, so I cut back on the sugar I added to it. We liked it, but I ended up throwing a ton of the sauce away since it made so much. I would definitely recommend either making more chicken or halving the sauce.
Monkey Muffins: As with any PW recipe, these were fantastic. I took the easy method and used a can of flaky biscuits. They came together quickly and were so good. I can't wait to make them again.

So those were my wins and losses this in the kitchen last week. Here's hoping this week has more wins. Do you have any kitchen horror stories that you can laugh about now? Please share!

Pinning with Purpose | Week 11

So, how was your week!? I actually got some stuff accomplished myself. The one ahead looks rough though. I guess we'll see. Before diving into this week's Pinning with Purpose, let me thank Jenna from The Painted Apron for both her contribution of her Octoberfest Tablescape as well as her Sausage and Veggie Smoked Gouda Pie.
Octoberfest Beer Garden Tablescape
Sausage, Spinach, & Peppers Smoked Gouda Pie
For those of you wondering what this Pinning with Purpose thing is, never fear. . .here are the details: each week, I pick out a few pins from my Pinterest boards and try to recreate them or use them for inspiration. And, I challenge you to do the same. Find a pin that gets your creative juices going; be it a craft tutorial, recipe, style inspiration, or organizational tip and run with it. I encourage you to share your results on your blog and then link it up here. I do ask that if you are going to link up here, that you mention it on your blog with a link back.  As well, if you want to pin anything seen here, please make sure you go to the original post to do it.

As a reminder, here's what I was supposed to work on last week:
Garlic Roasted Cauliflower from SkinnyTaste
Dollar Store Floral Wire Pumpkins from Mad in Crafts
And, how did those work for me? Well. . .
The garlic roasted cauliflower was okay. The added steps of toasting bread crumbs and whatnot was a bit much for me. As well, I would have liked just the garlic and cauliflower roasted without all those crumbs on top. Maybe a little of the grated parm would be good, but I could have done without the breadcrumbs. Lesson learned. If you like a little something crunchy on your veggies, by all means go for it. It just wasn't for me.

The wire pumpkins on the other hand. . .they were easy peasy.
I found the wire in four different colors at my local Dollar Tree but went with the gold and the green. They seemed the most fall-like. Oh, and the little gold twist-ties holding the wire on the packaging are great for holding the wire together in the center of your pumpkin too.
The hardest part of the whole processes was spotting and deciding on a cylinder to wrap the wire around.
After that, it was a breeze to make a couple of pumpkins for my Fall decor. These really took minutes to  make.
And, they look even great next to the fru-fru pumpkin in my foyer.

As for what I'll be working on next week. I already told you the one ahead looks rough, so I went easy on myself again.
I hope you've found something inspiring on Pinterest too and will share what you've made.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...