As an adult, doesn't it seem like the weeks and months just fly by? Of course the work days drag along. But, as you go to write down a date; you think, "Holy cow! Where has the year gone?" I remember being a kid and the eternity it would take for each holiday, birthday, and summer vacation to finally hit the calendar. Now, each year that I age, I deny. I cannot be that old. I was just a teenager. It's these feelings that make me know that I am "for real" an adult. I've always professed that I'll never grow up, no matter how much I age. And, now I ponder why I am not more mature, more organized, more 'together'. I can still be a fun-loving, kid-like, mature adult. Right?
As I think about all the things I want to get done. I think about how much I could accomplish each morning -
IF I could just get out of the bed. I've always had an issue with waking in the morning. Just ask my college roommates and friends. They know. They were in charge of making sure I made it to class on time. I don't know how I would have made it through college without them. I was a MESS!! (Thank you guys!!)
Now, I consider what an early rise would mean - seeing the sun come up, sipping on coffee, some exercise, breakfast, and a little time in the craft room. Instead, I either wake just in time to get out the door for work OR the warmth (esp this time of the year) of the bed paralyzes me from emerging from under the covers. I need to find some motivation, something more than my desire to get things done - that's not enough. Any suggestions?
The desire to better myself, my habits, my environment fuels this "Feel Good Friday." I think it's some of the links I've found lately that have really put me in this contemplative mood. I hope you like them too.

- The home of Jennifer Perkins (of Naughty Secretary Club fame) was featured on Apartment Therapy. I love how completely decorated her house looks. I am personally obsessed with design shows, but can't seem to get my house to look like it has style. Jennifer has so much stuff, but it works. My stuff just looks like junk and clutter. How does she do it? She's a creative, crafty, style genius.
- Here are 100 everyday habits for your health and wealth. I like this list a lot. It contains all those things that I constantly ask - how are we to get this all done. For some reason, this list makes those tasks seem less intimidating and overwhelming. It may well become my go-to list.
- And for some mind-power, check out these 7 tips to keep your brain young.
Lastly, since this post is rather 'heavy' - I want to share this picture of the trailer parked behind the building at work. It makes me giggle a little every time I see it. Now you can confirm that I'm not willing to grow up.

Hee, hee. With that said, I'm off to get some other stuff done as I prepare for Margarita Friday and the weekend ahead. Looks like it'll be a good one since one of my BFFs is in town this week for Thanksgiving. How exciting!!
Have a great one.