Sale in Jewelry Booth

This is a heads up for my readers and friends in the lower Alabama area, there's a 20% off everything sale going on in the CraftyHope Booth at Southern Antiques and Accents. Here's a look at some of what you'll find there. 

These "Big Rain" earrings hit the booth just a few weeks ago, and YES, they're on sale too. 

Seriously, everything is sale-priced: from the top featured items (pictured) to the bargain bin and sale pieces on the bottom shelf.

I've got pieces with found and salvaged materials.

You'll find mixed media, wearable art.

And, of course, there's lots of tin jewelry too.

And, ALL OF IT is 20% off until Thanksgiving!
After that, I'll be restocking the booth and hope to have a nice, new selection of gift jewelry in time for the store's Christmas Open House on Nov. 27th. 

If you're not able to make it to Fairhope to shop my jewelry, don't forget that you can also support my small business by shopping small in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop. While there's not a sale going on there at the moment, keep your eyes peeled because I'll likely have one for the shopping season after Thanksgiving.

Bead Box 13 - Reveal

I have to admit that I thought I would work through this bead box MUCH faster than I did. I was excited by quite a few of the designs. But, I also decided to leave the box for its original intent: to be used when I was away from the house or when my inspiration was suffering. "What is this Bead Box?," you ask. Well, it's a basic plastic craft organizer with 17 compartments that I use to hold the elements of pre-designed jewelry pieces. As stated above, I work on these pieces when I travel or just don't have the inspiration to create something else. I stocked this version of the box MONTHS ago, and have finally finished it. You'll find links to the other versions below. 

Here's what I created!

I really love how this French Bubble Necklace came together. It was listed on Etsy but just recently sold. It's a simple design that I recreate later with some of my other soldered bubbles. 

These Sailing Away Earrings really just fell together. They're available on Etsy. 

How precious are these Pink Garden Earrings? They were listed on Etsy but have since sold.

I've left this pair of earrings unfinished as I've decided they're a bit overworked, and I just don't like them. It happens.

You can find this unique pair of Blue Cups Earrings on Etsy. They came together easily as most of the metalwork had already been done before they went into the box. 

The movement in these Loops and Scrolls Earrings really makes me smile. I do love anything with some bead dangles. They're available on Etsy. 

This simple necklace made from a found ceramic shard, jade green beads, and silver chain was just recently added to the booth at Southern Antiques and Accents. Oh, and in case you don't follow me elsewhere, I just announced a 20% off sale in the booth through Thanksgiving!

I've really been loving my charms made from gelli prints and glass pebbles. This one was accented easily with amethysts and gunmetal-colored beads. Find this Amethyst Dangle Necklace on Etsy. 

While I do love this Found Collection Necklace and had listed it on Etsy. It's come down for a few days to be altered as I realized that the chain is WAYYYYYY short. It needs a bead or two added and will then head back to Etsy. 

This mixed metal Button Collections Bracelet has landed in the Etsy shop. I am such a fan of its simplicity and ability to match just about anything. 

I am beyond tickled with how well these Blue Scrolls Earrings came together. Their separate layers that make them up gives them loads of fun sway movement. They're in the Etsy shop.

This pretty bracelet began as an odd mix of beads and charms. I'm hoping to get it listed in the Etsy shop later today. Keep your eyes peeled!

Here's another one of those soldered gelli prints that's been turned into a necklace. I've aptly named it Gelli Bubble Necklace in the Etsy Shop. 

Alas, here's another design that was abandoned and unfinished. I realized too late that I just didn't have enough beads to turn this into the bracelet I wanted it to be. It may end up in the next version of the Bead Box with a few more beads. First, I have to decide if it needs to be disassembled. Sigh. 

I don't make many tassel necklaces like this, and I'm not sure why that is. This beauty came together pretty easily and can now be found in the booth at Southern Antiques and Accents

As I was pulling this Castle Key Necklace together, the name came to me. It's definitely fit for royalty and is available in the Etsy shop. 

And, this was my last piece. I needed less beads than I thought. It will be listed on Etsy once I can get some photos of it (sorry this one's so lousy!)

And, that was Bead Box 13. Here are all the other Bead Box versions, if you're interested. 

Peek at My Week (Nov 7-13)

It's been one of those weeks that stretched out before me with opportunity and inspiration. I'm not sure if that's because I began The Artist's Way* (TAW) or because of the time change or if there are some other factors at play. But, I tried to take advantage of it as much as I could. Take a peek. 

Sunday began early with the added hour because of Daylight Savings. The temperature had dropped dramatically as well. It felt more like winter than fall. Though, the leaves disagree. I began my first week of TAW ready to find inspiration. 

I spent the day on a variety of tasks, including working on The Magpie's Nest Workshop from Aimee Bishop. 

I wasn't loving those magpies, but they've grown on me as I've accepted them as they are. 

Monday was full of surprises.

This photo was taken on Monday, but only as a representation of the actual dead mouse that I discovered when I woke up that morning. I'm relieved to have the cats because I had no idea we had a mouse!

While working on a project, I encountered another surprise as I flipped open a recently-acquired vintage dictionary. 

I just happened to open the book to the exact pages where this photo had been nestled for who knows how long. I was super excited! 

Though I felt like nothing was getting accomplished that afternoon, I was able to copper-foil a few items for my soldering session on Tuesday morning.

I wish I had soldered a wider variety of pieces but was relieved to have this batch done. 

In the afternoon, I took myself on an "artist's date" along the shores of Mobile Bay. 

I worked most of the day on Wednesday on a project for a friend. But, then treated myself (and my family) to the baking of my favorite Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

I stayed home all day Thursday and put my nose to the grindstone to work on a few ideas. I got to break out my heavy-duty tools, and that's always fun. 

Though I have loads of cardinals at my birdfeeders, the brightness of this one especially caught my eye Friday morning (sorry for the blur, I was zooming in.)

Not long afterward, I ran out to the post office and then felt the pull to do a little thrifting.
This is the bulk of what I brought home (there were a few other items I had already put away.) Now, I NEED to begin actually making something from them!

Saturday was a bit of an odd day as our Bama football game was early, and I had plans in the afternoon with a friend. So, I busted out a few chores and a little art-time before kickoff.

After the game, I broke down one of my tins before heading out to meet my friend for a little time at Super Second Saturday at Southern Antiques and Accents and dinner together. 

It was a full and fun week. I'm looking forward to seeing what the week ahead holds. But first, here's some of the inspiration I found.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Thrifty Thursday - October Thrifty Haul

I've had a lot more luck with my thrifting as of late, especially since I started receiving emails from They send me almost daily notifications of sales in my area. And, most have pictures of what can be found at each sale, so I can decide whether or not it's worth it. This isn't an advertisement for them, but I thought I would mention it in case you've been looking for some thrift opportunities. In any case, I picked up a few things in October.

The best stuff came from a monthly estate sale at a local antique store. 

I'm really enjoying those sales!

Here's a look at everything I picked up this month in my October Thrifty Haul.

Have you found any treasures lately?

November Challenges and Inspiration

The cupboard is looking a little bare in terms of inspiration and challenges this month. But, I would feel neglectful if I didn't share a list (even as short as it is) with you. 

  • The first and main challenge for this list is the Art Elements November Theme Challenge: Gourd. Sue has included a fabulous Pinterest board in the post to help inspire you. Remember that this challenge is open to ANY medium and submissions are posted in the Art Elements Community on Facebook at any time throughout the month. 
  • The inspiration for the October Honey Do List from Sarajo on SJ Designs Jewelry is still available. The reveal date was set for Nov. 8, and Sarajo usually leaves the linky tool open for several weeks. So, have at it! (I need to!!)
And...alas...that's it for the online inspiration I've found (other than the monthly challenges from private groups). I will say that I'm finding my own inspiration in that I just started reading The Artist's Way*. It's helping to spur me forward in my creative journey. As well, the month of November is often regarded as a month of gratitude. Perhaps you want to spend some time counting your blessings, as I know so many do, and find inspiration in that exercise. 

If you know of ANY other challenges or inspirations I have missed and could add to this list, please just leave me a comment. I would love to be further inspired. Whether you use this list or not, I hope you find your creative muse (or rather she finds you.) Best wishes for a creative month!!

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Peek at My Weeks (Oct. 24-Nov. 6)

 How fun is this two-week peek? It begins with my birthday!

My main request for my day was that I didn't have to cook. So, Pat ran out for breakfast and picked up my choice of doughnuts!

Secondly, I wanted to go to the beach. It was an overcast and dreary day (which fit my mood), but we headed to The Gulf for lunch and drinks. 

I enjoyed a mojito with my meal of filet mignon and crabcakes while looking out over the Gulf of Mexico. It was all SO GOOD!

Usually, I spend my birthday out shopping, but I saved that for Monday. This meant to Tuesday was consumed with catching up on chores and errands. I did stop long enough to take a gander at this little guy. 

Wednesday was spent busting out a few more overdue tasks like taking pictures of products and for videos. I was relieved to get that done. I even began tackling the last jewelry project in my Bead Box. Hopefully, I'll have that reveal for you in the next several weeks. 

As I sat out on the porch on Thursday morning, I enjoyed my visit from a furry neighbor.

I took care of a few tasks before heading out for a little shopping, a visit with my mom, and a meeting. It was a busier day than I even remembered. 

After getting the house cleaned, I puttered around the craft room and spotted this tiny moth in the window. (No worries, he was escorted outside later.)

I also eked in a little gelli-printing fun.

I spent a huge chunk of Saturday working on some of the steps for the Magpie's Nest Workshop from Aimee Bishop
And, I did clean all that up before a couple of friends came over to watch football. Then, I pulled it all out again Sunday morning!

Sunday afternoon was spent with my mom and a visiting cousin. Then, I handed out candy for Halloween at my mom's house. 

Most of Monday was consumed with announcing the winner of my giveaway and getting the new Variety Paper Packs in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop. 

After all that excitement, I let myself walk around the property a little. The bees on the loquat trees always soothe me. 

I got my errands and chores managed on Tuesday but felt a little lost creatively. My copy of The Artist's Way came in (a birthday gift card purchase for myself), and I spent some time reading it. It seemed to help!

Though, I'm not exactly sure what happened to Wednesday. I took care of a few things but didn't accomplish much. 

On Thursday. I spent almost the entirety of the day thrifting. There were three estate sales and a thrift store involved. And, I racked up!

I would have loved to have spent more time at the last sale. It was the home of a local artist. But, there were so many people there and so many inspiring pieces that I became overwhelmed. I did get a few tools and some wire, though. 

After all that inspiration, I was able to focus a little more on Friday. I finished a few pieces that I'm donating for a silent auction fundraiser for a friend's friend. 

And, after some housecleaning on Saturday (it HAD to be done) and an inspiring video from Tiffany of Southern Gals Designs, I began folding folios for a new junk journal. 

A friend came over for the Alabama football game in the evening. It was INTENSE, but we won!! And, I got a little silly with my glasses and Zoe's tail. 

And that was my last two weeks. Today will start my real journey with The Artist's Way. So, we'll see how that goes. 

Here's some of the inspiration I've found and shared.

How's life treating you?

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...