Local Feature: Silverhill Market Gift & Garden

The other week, the Southern Bloggers Jubilee group met at the Silverhill Market Gift & Garden. I was so excited that this was the location for our meeting.

I've passed the place several times heading from Fairhope to Robertsdale on 104 but am usually on a mission and don't have time to stop. Our meeting was the perfect excuse to take a look around this lovely shop.

Out front is the garden area of the market.

There were plants and cute decor tucked all over the patio and porch.

From the front doors you enter the gift area that includes quite the variety of accessories and decor. The interior retains the original home's layout with lots of little rooms. (Even one of the bathrooms has been somewhat converted into a display area with the old toilet covered with merchandise - It's really cuter than it sounds. I promise!)

Silverhill Market has a great selection of art from local artists and craftsmen. There's even a small building of antiques (not pictured.) Everything about it is eclectic and quirky, but still full of upscale boutique style.

Our group met in the back of the main building where there's a coffee shop. It has a nice selection of coffee as well as a few other treats. Everything was very reasonably priced too!

Just off the coffee shop is a beautiful bamboo garden into which alcoves of seating areas are situated.

I believe there's a little bit for everyone at the Silverhill Market. Don't believe me? Go see for yourself! The Silverhill Market Gift & Garden is located at 16320 Silverhill Ave in Silverhill, Alabama, It's open 9am-5pm Monday-Saturday. It's a great place to explore.


I wake up each morning with all these ideas and inspirations, but bringing them to fruition is something else. . .life gets in the way, responsibilities to others get in the way, distractions get in the way. Before I know it, the day is over.

I've been seriously slacking in my blogging responsibilities. . .actually, there's only one blogging responsibility and that's to BLOG! I've got lists upon lists of topic ideas and have pinned numerous articles about blog content, but to no avail. I just can't seem to get it done. In fact, I don't ever feel like I'm really getting anything done. This morning, that resounding weight was upon me. I tweeted this the moment I opened my laptop,
Seriously, anyone else ever feel like Sisyphus pushing that darned rock?

I'm sure I'm just juggling too many things, wearing too many hats, or some other catchy idiom that means I'm simply lacking focus. I've got my to do lists, my daily and weekly schedules, a routine; but these just doesn't seem to result in. . .well . . . results. I get distracted too easily by a Facebook notification or a scrap of paper out of place or hunger. I could go on but recognize that there's no way you are really enjoying this rant. It's a phase. I'll find my groove again. I just had to get it out there. It's my lame excuse at the moment. Please forgive my lack of presence.

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW)

In my last What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday post, I showed you a picture of a neat, organized, two-project desk. Today. . .chaos reigns. There's so much going on that I simply labeled the pictures for you.
Left side of desk
Right side of desk
I've been a labeling madwoman; not only am I making jewelry and working on my second Journaling by 5s journal, but I'm in the process of reorganizing and sorting through the found objects and old jewelry elements I use in jewelry making. I spent a good portion of yesterday labeling organizers and picking through the bulk of my stash.

Getting to sort through this stash and see exactly what I have has been so inspiring. I hope that mojo sticks with me long enough to get some items made, hence the chaos.

So, what's on your workdesk?
I'm linking mine up to WOYWW at Stamping Ground.

Happy Mail to the Max

Lately, I've been lucky enough to be the recipient of some awesomely fun mail. This is largely due to me joining a group that does a lot of swapping. This means that I've also sent items to partners. I thought I'd share this eye-candy of postal bounty with you.

First, I participated in a beginner's altered post card swap. The theme was Spring. I mailed out this card to my partner.

And, in return I received this cute bunny.
I don't know if she intended it, but all I see is chocolate!
She even decorated the address side of the postcard.

I've also gotten a 'happy mail' package. In the art journal realm, happy mail is a package of ephemera, small art pieces, supplies or any other item that might bring a smile to the recipient's face. I forgot to get a picture of what I sent out, but let me tell you it was YELLOW (that was the theme). I got these goodies.
I had a HUGE smile on my face with this happy mail.

 I've also signed up for a motivational deck swap. Basically, this goes in stages to make and receive a whole deck of cards altered with motivational words, sayings, quotes, etc. on them. I've really been enjoying the process and just mailed out my second set. I can't share those yet, but here's the first set I sent.

 And, what the hay. . .here's a better look at them.

My partner for this swap made me a cool accordion book with six cards that spelled out a single, resounding motivational word: CREATE.
The book all folded up with a few tiny playing cards tucked inside.
The book in all its glory.

Finally. . . I have also gotten some jewelry-making mail. Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers e-mailed me to let me know she had a box of old jewelry coming my way that she's been collecting on her desk. The pieces she sent were from family members as well as other odds and ends. She encouraged me to use what I can and do whatever I want with the rest. I opened the box to find this inside.
Holy moley!!
I immediately saw strands of beads, Lucite, chain, keychains, brooches, and old earrings. I took my time sorting though the box of treasures to uncover all the amazing bits she generously shared with me. Creative friends are THE BEST! Just look at what all she sent.

I was seriously blown away. Make sure you check out Cynthia's blog and her Antiquity Travelers Etsy shop. Not only is she a very kind and generous friend, but she's an inspiring and talented artist.

Now it's time to actually make something with some of this exceptional happy mail. So, have you been a little more than excited when the mailman shows up lately too?

Currently I'm. . .

Creating an upcycled necklace.
The focal's made from an old picture frame
Dreaming of one day having some property with chickens and goats and wilderness. One day. . .

Bookmaking this link that perfectly illustrates why you should always use the Oxford comma.

Drinking water. I've always got a glass of water by my side.

Looking forward to going back to the beach before too long.
This weekend it was beautiful!

Enjoying this beautiful spring weather we've been having for the past week or two.

Eating Mexican food for dinner tonight. It is Cinco de Mayo after all.

Giggling over this Cinco de Mayo picture a friend of mine posted on Facebook.
Thanks for the laugh Jen (and Braxton)
Hoping to get some more jewelry made, pictured, and listed soon.

Feeling like I can't ever get anything done.

Playing too many games on my phone (probably why I can't get anything done.)

Taking pictures of my jewelry.

Reading The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler. . .at least that's what's on my nightstand. I haven't touched it in a week.

Needing to go shopping for Mother's Day gifts.

Marveling over all the little changes taking place in my front yard container garden.

Wanting someone else to come finish the laundry for me.

Wearing my linen pants for the first time this Spring.

Working on some altered playing cards for a swap.

Wishing my attention span was a little longer.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...