Challenge of Color Reveal

Today's the day we reveal the accessories created with the inspiration of a Design Seeds palette assigned to each of us. Erin of Treasures Found is hosting this Challenge of Color.

Participants were asked to pick a color family for their palette from 12 options. We could choose a favorite or even something that would be more challenging. I almost predictably chose blue. However, I opted for blue not just because it's my favorite, but also because I knew I have an array of blue beads no matter what shade I was assigned. Here's the beautiful palette from Design Seeds that Erin picked for me.
Bloom Tones from Design Seeds

I was immediately thrilled with these colors because of their brightness. However, as I began to try to match the tones to beads in my stash and shop for beads elsewhere, I found that they were harder to find than I expected. As I revealed in my Bead Table Wednesday post from last week, I did pull together some beads from my own stash that I thought would be perfect for the challenge.

As you can see in the picture above, I was lacking the deep gray and pink from the palette. I really wanted to include each of the palette colors and played around with alternative ideas of how to bring in those shades. Ideas included: buttons, painting beads or buttons, polymer clay, fabric, and painting metal with nail polish. However, none of those ideas really worked for me.

I did find some paint in the right shade of pink and decided that an antiqued steel would work well for the gray. So, I painted some paper pink, stamped it, and sealed it in resin in a steel bezel. As well, I used some of the scrap painted paper to create a few paper beads. I laid everything out and played around with the materials. 

As great as these are, I still was not inspired enough to create a necklace. No matter how I combined that great array of beads they just weren't speaking to me. The purple was too dark, the bright blue was too bright, the dark blue were too  heavy, the paper beads were too juvenile.  GAH!

With just two days left before the reveal, I pulled the pendant and the key aside because I knew those were the two I wanted the most in the piece. I then envisioned the necklace around those two pieces and simply pulled out some other beads.

So, after ALL THAT, here's what I created.
Let me say that the beads I used for the purple shade turned out to be a bit more pink than I expected in the pictures. Anyway, despite the struggle, I'm really happy with the piece.

Please go check out how each of the other participants handled their Challenge of Color palettes. Here's the list!
18 Tari Kahrs ~ Orange ~ Citrus Tones
23 Amy Severino ~ Orange ~ Winged Tones
28 Linda Landig ~ Green ~ Cacti Dark
35 CJ Bauschka ~ Teal ~ Teal Air
41 Jenni Connolly ~ Gray ~ Paw Tones
54 Dawn Doucette ~ Brown ~ Jarred Tones

I can't wait to see how everyone else handled this Challenge.
A big thank you to Erin for organizing this Challenge and to Jessica Colaluca for use of her Design Seeds palettes as inspiration!

Just a Few Reminders

If you haven't seem My Christmas List (part 1) post yet from earlier this morning, please go take a look at it now and add to it!!

This is just a quick post of a few things that didn't relate to that post and I want to mention.

First, the Challenge of Color reveal is TOMORROW!! Come by then to check out what I did with my Bloom Tones palette from Design Seeds!
Remember, the hop is hosted by Erin of Treasures Found and she'll have the whole list of participants. I'll try to get a copy here too, but we'll see how that goes!

Secondly, It's Day 4 of the Virtual Craft Fair over at Lori's Pretty Things blog.
Go check out the deals, giveaways, and more!

Lastly, this necklace is new in my shop!
Flickering Flame Necklace

I SERIOUSLY need to finish my challenge piece and get some pictures of it. So, I'm out for the rest of the day. . .I promise!

My Christmas List (part one)

I told Pat that I wanted some crafty gifts for Christmas. See, for my birthday I had him just give me some money to go clothes shopping even though he pressed me to let him know what craft supplies I might want instead. So, I'm sticking to it for Christmas.
For his sake, and just for fun I'll be sharing my lists. This first list is of the tools and supplies I want.
Most of these are items that I just haven't picked up for myself for various reasons. Many are just an idea and not the exact model, though some are one of a kind. Let me go ahead and say that most of the links are to Beadaholique because that might make it easier for him to order if all of the items are in one spot. If you know of better deals or other retailers of these items, please let me know in the comments. Please!

Here we go!

Top Ten Jewelry Supplies I want for Christmas
Renaissance Wax

Liver of Sulfur

I would like a texture hammer or two. These two are great options
Eurotool Hammer Checkered/Wide Stripe
Eurotool Hammer Dimples/Narrow Stripe
Of course, there's this one also that looks like a deal.
Eurotool Hammer with Nine Faces

Light Tent Photo Cube

A NICE set of pliers

Gilders Paste (in almost any of the colors)

Euro-Punch Pliers

Sari Silk from Designtalentedone

I already have some of this, but can always use MORE
ICE Resin

Enamel Kit from Painting with Fire

So, that's my starting list. I know there are probably plenty more items I'm forgetting. I'll be doing a list of beads and other bits that I want later in the week. Stay tuned!
Again, if you have any suggestions of items I've forgotten, items you want that I might NEED to know about, or other retailers that have similar items; don't hesitate to let me know in the comments!

Cyber Monday Deal and a Meal Plan

I wasn't planning on doing this, but the hubs talked me into it. There's a sale in my shop today!
That code is CYBER2011 and is good for 10% ANY item in the CraftyHope shop, including items already ON SALE.

While that's going on, I'm frantically trying to finish this Challenge of Color piece as well as catch up on all the housework I avoided over the long, holiday weekend. Seriously, we did NOTHING other than eat, watch football, and laze about. Well, I did get my menu made just before Walking Dead came on. (Did y'all see that episode last night? Were you expecting that? I totally wasn't. It was great!) Anyway, since it is Menu Plan Monday as well as Cyber Monday, I've got a meal plan to share with you.

Breakfasts: Ham omelets, bagels, yogurt w/granola, cinnamon toast bagels, potato bacon casserole, waffles, eggs w/bacon & toast

Lunches: Turkey sandwiches, bean burritos (NOT buTTitos), pepperoni pizza puffs, hot dogs w/tator tots, leftovers, PG&J, soup w/grilled cheese

Shepherd's Pie
Crispy honey lime tilapia w/corn & mac-n-cheese

There's more Menu Plan Monday where this came from. . .and that's over at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

If you've been paying attention, you'll know that today is Day 3 of the Virtual Craft Show over at Pretty Things. That means there's MORE deals and giveaways and eye candy for you to enjoy!

Lastly, this cute little guy is 20% off now!
Brighten the Nest Necklace

I'm off to see if I can make some headway on both my Challenge of Color piece and the disaster that I call my house!

I Heart Macro: Just a Little Geeky

I could just ramble on about the wonders of football, but I know none of you came here to deal with any of that. So I'll restrain myself. Instead, I'll ask. . .
How was your Thanksgiving?
Did you eat too much?
Wasn't it wonderful?
Were you out there in the craziness of Black Friday shopping?
Did you just stay home and order online?
Are you more like me and just avoided shopping of any kind?

None of this has anything to do with the reason I'm posting. I just thought I'd ask. The real reason is because it's I Heart Macro Sunday (at least I think it's Sunday. It's been a really long weekend.)

Pat's been big into building robots and other electronic-y things lately. I think the wires and boards and other bits are just neat.
Stepper Motors for the CNC Router he built
Motor driver that he installed to run a little robot
(I actually had to get him to come look at these photos so I could tell you what they are. I simply thought they were cool-looking.)

I'm sure there's plenty of less geeky macro shots over Studio Waterstone for I Heart Macro.

While I've got you here, Lori Anderson is hosting a Virtual Craft Show on her Pretty Things blog.
Today's Day TWO of the show (of seven). There are SEVENTY shops participating and just as many prizes!! As well, some of the shops have discount codes that are good for the length of the show. Make sure to check it out each day. Don't worry. . .I'll be reminding you about it. Here's a link to Day 1 as well!!

It's a rainy, dreary day here but I plan to eke out the last bits of fun in this Holiday weekend. Plus, I really need to finish my Challenge of Color piece, so I'm outie!! 

Bead Table Wednesday

I'm distracted right now because AMC is playing "Gone with the Wind" on repeat today. Being a Southern girl, I was raised on this film. I'll admit that I even have a copy of Scarlett's bar-b-que dress that I wore for YEARS. I probably haven't watched the movie through since I was in high school. . .so now I'm distracted by how much more I see in it now as an adult with more interest in the historical aspects of it.

Anyway, the TV is on in the craft room so I might as well share what's on my craft desk this Bead Table Wednesday.
Some of the Beads I've gathered for the Challenge of Color
I'll be making some soldered pendants as part of a custom order, so these glass slides were pulled out.

Check out the other Bead Table Wednesday photos in the Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

There's also some new earrings in the shop
Roam Freely Earrings

And this necklace is on sale
Moonlit Shadows Necklace
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
And, if you are going out in the craziness that is Black Friday, be safe and best of luck!!

The Holidays are Coming

I reiterated to my husband the other day about how I prefer to have a live Christmas Tree because they're going to be cut down anyway, and I don't want the trees to not fulfill their purpose in life. This is the conversation that ensued.

ME: When a tree doesn't get a home, I bet the ones that do probably make fun of them for not getting decorated and are all "OMG, you're NEKKID"

HIM: Nah, they're probably just too cool for decorations. You know, they don't like to conform to Christmas tree society standards. Or, they could be allergic to tinsel.

Me: Maybe they grow awkwardly on purpose so they won't get picked. They tell the other trees, "Yeah, I didn't grow any needles on this side intentionally."

HIM: Sure, and they're all "See my funky long arm over here, I MEANT to do that."

Me: Right, they also might be afraid of what kind of home they get put in. You know, they could be afraid of cats getting all up in their branches.

Him: AND, there's the whole being strung with electricity to consider.

Me: Absolutely, they might catch on fire.

Him: Or they could be Jewish. . .

So, now I'm not sure if I'll be getting a tree or not. You know, because I don't want to disregard their religious beliefs, or fears, or allergies, or coolness. Heck, they might even be part of an "Occupy Christmas Tree Lot Movement".

Anyway. . .
While I've brought up the holidays I do want to remind you that I'll be participating in the Holiday Shop Hop 2011 hosted by Shel of MiShel Designs. The hop will be on December 3rd and 4th.

Some of the shops participating will be offering discounts in their stores especially for those who come by as part of the shop hop. I'll be one of those. SO! Mark you calendars and hop by either my or Shel's blogs that weekend for the complete list of participants!

That is all. Carry on.

One Decision Made at Least

I know y'all have to be SO TIRED of me talking about this darn bracelet already. But, just real quick. . .I finally decided how to wrap the bangle with the lace. And, it's not ANY of the options I gave you. It's one I didn't even consider at all.
Better right!?
If you didn't see my I Heart Macro post yesterday; I've been experimenting with the colors some more. Of course, the plain white looks pretty good too.
Now if I could just make that last decision, tack that thing down, and be done with it already!!

I did finish one thing this weekend. My menu is made.

Breakfasts: Cereal/grits, bagels, yogurt w/granola, breakfast burritos, hashbrown baskets, waffles

Lunches: Ham sandwiches, tuna noodles, leftovers, bean buttitos, PB&J, turkey sandwiches (go figure)

Crispy Lemon Tilapia w/wild rice & corn
Cheesy Ham and Broccoli Casserole
Slow Cooker Angel Chicken w/green beans and mashed potatoes
Shepard's Pie

Sorry my Thanksgiving menu isn't here, but I don't make that meal. My mom is the genius behind that one! For more Menu Plan Monday, head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie.

I've got big plans to try to see a certain vampire movie today, so I can't keep blabbering on here. Instead check out the newest item in my shop!
Life's Path Necklace

And, here's hoping you have a wonderful Monday!

I Heart Macro: Bright Lace

I was racking my brain over what to share this Macro Sunday. It hit me all of a sudden that my tests of dying the lace would be a perfect, bright macro photo.

There's more I Heart Macro Sunday at Lori's blog, Studio Waterstone.

Today started out rather gloomy and overcast, causing me to assume it would be spent in front of the computer completing miscellaneous tasks, like my meal plan. However, since the clouds seem to be burning away I'm hoping to get in a few hours outside. Yay!!!

I do want to quickly share the two newest items in the ON SALE section of the shop.
Adventures Abound Earrings
Subtle Southern Fall Necklace

Now to make the most of what's left of the weekend. I hope you do the same!!

A Craft Dilemma in Lace

I worked on the second project in my sketchbook today, but after some experimenting am stumped with how to proceed. I'm looking for your advice.

The general concept of the project/idea is to wrap a bangle with lace.
My supplies: lace and a thrifted bangle

I started by test wrapping the bangle in a number of ways.
A tight wrap
A loose wrap
A tight wrap with a bow

Basically, I succeeded in determining that I had enough lace to wrap the bangle in any of those ways. As well, there was something about the simplicity of the black and white and the lace that gave it a dated feel no matter how it was wrapped. With that in mind, it hit me that I could color the lace with alcohol inks.

So, I picked out some bright colors and cut a test strip of lace.

I knew I still wanted some of the white of the lace to show and really didn't want the colors too touch too much and become muddled. So I dropped the colors randomly and a little distance from one another. This is what I got.

What do YOU think:
  • How should I wrap the lace?
  • Should I just keep the lace white?
  • Should I use different colors?
  • Should I limit the inks to just one or two colors?
  • Are there other tests I should make?
  • Is this just a bad idea in general?
  • Should I just go for it?
Normally, I don't ask for advice on my creations. However, this one is leaving me with mixed feelings.

See. . .it's things like this that make me stall-out and not accomplish anything. Well, that. . . . and the fact that this was just released.
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 for the Wii
 (It's an addiction really)

As I feel the pull of the Wii on me, let me try to be strong and eke out a little more info.

Since Thanksgiving is in ONE WEEK, I thought that it was appropriate to list this necklace.
Give Thanks Necklace

Also, this cute little guy is now on sale.
Woodland Pal Necklace

I'm anxious to know what you have to say about my experimentation and if you have any other ideas or suggestions. I appreciate it!!

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...