Bead Table Wednesday and Other Bead-y News

My bead table is a little sparse today. I'm just not feeling very inspired. However, one of my best friends came over Halloween night and gifted me with these beauties for my birthday.
She was so worried I wasn't going to like them since they're not the vibrant colors that are usually typical for me. She was right about one thing: I don't like them, I LOVE them!
Thank you AFA!!

There's more Bead Table Wednesday in the Flickr Group.

In other new, there's A LOT going on in bead blogger world.
1. Art Bead Scene has revealed their November Monthly Challenge.
2. Shel over at MiShel Designs is hosting a "Holiday Shop Hop" the weekend of December 3rd & 4th. You can read all the information about it over on her blog and join in the fun!

3. Julianna Cannon of Julsbeads fame is kicking the holiday season into high gear and will be sending out some Surprise packages as well as offering some sales for the next several weeks. Read all the details on her blog post.

4. Lorelei is having another challenge. This time with Jade Scott Flowers. She's selecting SEVEN comments at random to participate in the challenge. Go to her blog post to leave a comment and be entered.
5. Erin at Teasure's Found is hosting a Color Blog Hop. It sounds like a lot of fun and there's even a chance you could win some prizes!

Here's the news in my little bead corner of the world:
One of my most favorited (as in many people have marked it as a favorite) necklace has made its way into the ON SALE section of the shop.
White Trash JUNK Necklace

And, there's a new necklace in town!
Bubbles Ascending Necklace
Well, that's all the new news I have for you!


  1. Is that a real bulb? So nice!
    Maybe you are not very inspired in this moment, but your blog post is full of inspiring ideas and links.
    Thank you for each of them!


  2. Ambra,
    Yes, that is a real bulb. I was told that it's most likely from a flash.

    I'm glad you like all the links. I do love to share!
    You are very welcome.

  3. Thanks for the cool links. I've signed up for the color blog, I think that one is more do-able for me right now. Love the fact that you used a real bulb!!

  4. So much fun stuff going on! I am just trying to keep my head above water with the holidays coming up- can't wait to see what you make for these challenges! I love both your necklaces, too, Hope!

  5. Love your 'goodies' you received for your birthday! I was gonna tell ya if you didn't like them you could just pack 'em up and send them across the state line to me! HA! Can't wait to see what you create with them and all the challenges you enter!

  6. THanks for posting the link to the Holiday Shop Hop - that was super nice of you!

    Oh,...and I love the White Trash Junk necklace - that's awesome!!

  7. Holy Moly well the Art Bead Scene challenge is stunning as is that mother of pearl flower - I am barely able to keep up with all the awesome challenges this month!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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