What I've Been Up To

I helped out a very good friend yesterday and was just too tired to blog once I got home.
I've also been working super hard on some of the commitments I've made in the blogging world. I'm starting to really wonder if I've over-extended myself. Instead of panicking, I'm trying to take it slow and steady to get get one thing accomplished at a time.

Before I get into all of that, let me share some goodies I scored.
I won the Crystal Copper Giveaway at Vintaj and am now the proud owner of these:

I FINALLY got my meal plan made today. I know it's Tuesday, but here's my Meal Plan Monday contribution.

Breakfasts: Cereal/grits, bagels, yogurt w/granola, breakfast burritos, potato bacon casserole, waffles

Lunches: Leftovers, tuna noodles, ham sandwiches, bean burritos, pb&j, pasta carbonara, ham and cheese bagel panini

Beef with snow peas w/rice
Pork chops with creamy mushrooms and dill w/peas & mashed potatoes
Creamy Cajun chicken pasta w/broccoli
Crispy lemon tilapia w/wild rice & green beans
Tacos w/corn

There's more Menu Plan Monday (that was most like DONE on Monday) over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

In addition to planning my meals, I'm planning on what I'll be making for the Challenge of Color over at Erin's blog, Treasure's Found. Participants each chose a basic color and Erin then assigned us a color palette created by Jessica Colaluca of Design Seeds that includes the chosen color. I decided that since I have tons of blue beads (since it is my favorite color) to choose BLUE as my color. Erin assigned me the Bloom Tones palette.
I'm loving all the bright colors in this palette. I just hope I can do Jessica's beautiful tones justice. There's a long list of participants and we'll be revealing our creations on December 30th.

Taking up most of my time, though, is the Ornament Swap via Sally's blog, Wirewrapped. I was paired with Melissa Meman and really want to make something she'll like.

 Anyway. . .I've been a busy girl. Please forgive my lackadaisical posting schedule.

OH, and this is now on sale 20% off.
Garden Blooms Necklace

I think that's plenty enough information for one night. . .later y'all.


  1. Hi Hope, you have a lovely palette there...I will join you on NOVEMBER 30th...I can tell you have been busy! Hope you are getting all under control and enjoying it, too.

  2. I wanted to win that Vintaj copper giveaway so badly!!!! I know you will make something wonderful with all these goodies!

    This morning I realized how much stuff I need to do, and how little time I have to actually get it done. I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

    Thanks for the links to the meal plans--not that I cook that much anymore. The Pork chop recpie sounds yummy.

  3. Congrats on the copper win! Those are great! Also, I really like the pallet you were assigned for the color contest! Lots of room to make something really beautiful.


  4. Pezz,
    Thanks! I think so too.
    Yes, that palette is so yummy. Now to figure out if I can pull all those colors together or not. . .just as soon as I finish my ornament for the swap. I guess I better get to work!
    Thank you so much for stopping by!

  5. You palette is really gorgeous (but all Jessica palettes are!§). I love that deep blue put together with pink and green.

    I can't wait to see what you create!



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