I Heart Macro: Just a Little Geeky

I could just ramble on about the wonders of football, but I know none of you came here to deal with any of that. So I'll restrain myself. Instead, I'll ask. . .
How was your Thanksgiving?
Did you eat too much?
Wasn't it wonderful?
Were you out there in the craziness of Black Friday shopping?
Did you just stay home and order online?
Are you more like me and just avoided shopping of any kind?

None of this has anything to do with the reason I'm posting. I just thought I'd ask. The real reason is because it's I Heart Macro Sunday (at least I think it's Sunday. It's been a really long weekend.)

Pat's been big into building robots and other electronic-y things lately. I think the wires and boards and other bits are just neat.
Stepper Motors for the CNC Router he built
Motor driver that he installed to run a little robot
(I actually had to get him to come look at these photos so I could tell you what they are. I simply thought they were cool-looking.)

I'm sure there's plenty of less geeky macro shots over Studio Waterstone for I Heart Macro.

While I've got you here, Lori Anderson is hosting a Virtual Craft Show on her Pretty Things blog.
Today's Day TWO of the show (of seven). There are SEVENTY shops participating and just as many prizes!! As well, some of the shops have discount codes that are good for the length of the show. Make sure to check it out each day. Don't worry. . .I'll be reminding you about it. Here's a link to Day 1 as well!!

It's a rainy, dreary day here but I plan to eke out the last bits of fun in this Holiday weekend. Plus, I really need to finish my Challenge of Color piece, so I'm outie!! 


  1. And the answers are: fabulous; oh lordy yes; I will continue to remember it every time I try to zip my jeans; I'd rather run naked down the street; nope; no real shopping yet. The summary of the rest of the weekend is: how 'bout that Iron Bowl!?!

  2. First of Hope let me just say ROLL TIDE!!!!! I had to work on Thanksgiving that is how it goes in Law Enforcement, But I had a lovely dinner with my family later on that evening. Actually today is my first day off and tomorrow. I will get the holidays later in Dec. I did some shopping on line yesterday and today in the Virtual Craft Show. I'm not a techie but I do like the different colored wires in the pictures.
    Enjoy the rest of the day Hope!

  3. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Good food and good company, though it was a little sad without mom this year.

    And I passed on the entire shopping thing--haven't even started on Christmas shopping, not even a list.

  4. It's raining here today too...I get lots of my writing done but nothing else.

    Beautiful photos!

  5. I really think that you need to steal a little bit of that wire and create something awesome!! Thank goodness for a holiday craft show I don't get into the the crazy shopping mode!

  6. Mumsy- I got almost nothing done but a scant few Christmas decorations up. Sigh...
    Thanks for hopping by!

  7. Oh I absolutely avoid the craziness of Black Friday, lol! We did most of our shopping online this year.

    That circuit board and wires brought back memories of my Dad and I building my first computer. :)

  8. Wendy- That's amazing that you've got most of your shopping done. We have barely discussed it. I need to get started soon, especially with the items I need to order online!
    What a great memory! I'm glad my geeky picture did that for you! :)

  9. great shots Hope....
    our Thanksgiving was last month but some of our stores took part in offering Black Friday sales...and it was NUTS...since I forgot all about it and wondered if the world was coming to an end...

  10. Kim- I'm sorry I didn't get your comment published yesterday. Somehow it never showed up in my e-mail. Anyway. . .you're there now. As far as the wire, it's all attached to Pat's CNC machine now. Oh well. Hopefully got got plenty of business with all the crazy shoppers coming to YOU!!

  11. beautiful clear macros; i took a "logic and gating" class at the local college years ago and make a "digital clock" - was fun... this is far more complicated. you did a great shoot. thanks for sharing, kareninkenai (i heart macro)


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