Peek at my Weeks (May 17-30)

I got behind again. We spent most of last weekend (since it was a holiday weekend) in/by the pool, and I just couldn't tear myself away to blog. Sorry! Actually, those are our plans for this afternoon too, but I don't want to get any further behind on giving you a peek at what's going on in my little corner of the world.
I made my second attempt at the whipped coffee stuff that everyone's been posting about. This time, I think I got it right!

Pat and I had to run out to pick up a couple of things for the baby chicks. At the farm supply store, this truck was parked next to us. 
I'm guessing the locks on their truck don't work. While this Redneck Security System is pretty industrious, I think I'd be afraid of getting locked in there!

I felt a little industrious also and decided to make my first ever pound cake. I went with a lemon version as that sounded so good. And, it was!

On Monday, we saw more rain. So I took more wet gardenia pictures.
I just can't help myself.

It rained more on Wednesday so I needed to add a little color to my day.
I was pretty pleased with this lunch spread. 

After so many days of rain, I relished in Thursday's beauty. 

I even decided to do a bit of work outside before cooking dinner.

Friday brought me some happy mail in the form of this mask I ordered from my friend at Oak Street Studio.
 The link above goes to her Facebook Page, but you'll see the masks she's making on her Oak Street Studio Instagram page. 

Saturday began our weekend in the pool. The smoke from the grill was trapped in sunbeams.
It was pretty awesome.

Sunday was more pool time.

There wasn't any smoke this time because dinner was tacos with homemade tortillas.
Let me confess that I'm struggling to find a tortilla recipe I like. I've asked for suggestions and gotten a couple, but if you have a no-fail, fabulous flour tortilla recipe (or tips) please let me know!

Monday was Memorial Day, and I treated it like a day off and spent it cleaning and organizing areas of the craft room. It was sorely needed!
This bookshelf was one of the areas that got some extra attention. You should have seen the piles on it before!

Oh, and look at how big the chicks are getting.

To further pursue my farmgirl instincts, I'm also growing kitchen scraps in the windowsill.
I've since planted most of the green onions, but I'm waiting for the celery and lettuce to get some roots. I can't believe how well this has worked. 

Tuesday transferred into my busy, run errands day that ran into Wednesday when I finished my grocery shopping at the local farm-market. I was happy to find that the local corn was is in!

I also admired the gardenias as I know their time is nearing an end. They come and go so quickly! 
I was mesmerized by this one that looks like a wound spring ready to pop!

On Thursday, I headed to Southern Antiques and Accents to update the booth by adding some more summertime pieces.

Back at home, something seemed a little off.
I found the cat in the shower. I'm still not sure what she was doing there. Look at her face. She looks like she's saying, "Do you mind? I'm in the shower!"

That evening, I pulled out more of the local produce I had just bought.
Yes, that bell pepper is PURPLE! I had to have it. 

I filled Friday with so much. After some housework, I went out to the yard to check on my blueberries and discovered this in the old burn pile. 
It's one of the previous owner's credit cards. It was expired, but completely intact. I cut it up and disposed of it properly.

Back inside, I decided to mend my favorite pair of jeans that recently got a hole in them.

While the sewing machine was out, I thought it might be fun to go ahead and sew together a few paper and fabric stacks.
I didn't get many made before realizing that my heart wasn't really in it. So, I moved on.

Before long, I was out on the deck with some beads and a beer to kick off the weekend. 

Saturday was a mostly lazy day. I did head out to the burn pile to dispose of some large pieces of glass I had spotted the day before. And, I found a few items that are loads more interesting.
That one section of our yard is a serious treasure trove!

Later in the afternoon, we had a float in the pool. From my float, I could see that more of the Shell Ginger had bloomed. 
To me, it looks like they're singing. What do you think?

I've been mostly on (with a few days off) with #The100DayProject . 
On Day 41, I actually used some gelli prints. 

Day 42 was all about using a "Combo Stamp Set". That's my term for a set that has both words and images. 

On Day 43, I broke out some of the samples of Liquitex paint that are in my stash. I went with just a red one. 

If you saw my last post, then you've already seen this art journal page. I was to use a ticket stub on Day 44. 

Dylusions Spray Inks were my materials for Day 45. They're so bright!

On Day 46, I was to use a baby wipe to remove paint through a stencil. I did it...It didn't really work for me. I covered most of it up with all kinds of other media on this spread.

One of the Tim Holtz Photobook images was my material for Day 47. 

This was a catch-up page for Days 48, 49, & 50 that includes a piece of a rag rug, some cement tape, and soft pastels. 

Using a magazine image was the task for Day 51.

UGH! I was playing catch-up again with this page for Days 52 & 53. I had to use image stamps and some paints I had purchased at a yard sale. I did it. I'm not happy about it. 

I let myself feel a little freer when I used a handwritten letter on Day 54. 

And now, here's some inspiration I found over the past two weeks:

I think I've blabbered and filled you with plenty of inspiration for the time being. I hope you're staying well and taking care of yourself. Have a wonderful week. 

Butterflies for Art Elements May Theme

The team at Art Elements may be taking a bit of a break, but they're still inspiring us with monthly themes. The format has changed a bit too as it's no longer a blog hop. Instead, they've opened up the challenge to anyone with a Facebook account. Completed (and works-in-progress) art pieces that fit within the challenge are to be posted within that month's album in their Art Elements Community. You can read more about it on their blog post about May's theme: Butterflies. While this is no longer a blog hop, I can't let the month end without sharing my own contributions.

Let me go ahead and confess that I didn't get near as much done as I had initially thought I would. 
To start the month, and go ahead and have something that included the theme, I made a Mother's Day card for my mom and utilized a bunch of die-cuts in my stash that I've been meaning to try. I used scrapbook paper that has music notes on it to cut out the butterflies since my mom likes music and plays the piano.

Those butterflies were her favorite thing on the card! (Pardon my messy embossing. I had to scrabble together the sentiment as I couldn't find the Mother's Day stamp set I know I have and have since unearthed!)

During the month, I've also done a bit of art journaling for my #The100DayProject. This one with the butterfly has been one of my favorites.
The butterfly itself comes from a package of Tim Holtz Botanicals that I'm finding I love! The sentiment is from a package of Tim Holtz Quote Chips.

My actual task for this page was to use that ticket stub, but the little piece of button card and the handmade texture paste all called out to me too. But, it was the butterfly that stole the show.

While I didn't make this necklace over the course of the month, I did include it in my contributions to the Art Elements Album since it's one of my favorite things I've ever made.
In fact, I may have made it for another challenge. I actually can't remember. 

The body of the butterfly is a vintage hinge I picked up at an antique store. I riveted it to tin pieces that I had cut into the shape of butterfly wings.
I love that the hinges made it possible for the wings to move. 

I've got loads of other ideas for this theme. There's a stack of stamps on my hutch, some rub-on images next to my computer, a wood butterfly shape on my desk, and several ideas written in my notebook. Alas, I either ran out of time or motivation to finish them this month. But, you can believe that you'll likely see more butterfly projects from me in the future!

Make sure you join the Art Elements Community on Facebook so you can see what the other artists made and maybe even join in the inspired fun yourself!

Disclaimer: I'm participating in the Amazon Affiliate program and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

DIY Floating Riveted Earrings

Sometimes a design idea just comes to you out of the blue. That's how it was with these earrings. I randomly saw something on TV that made me say, "Hmmm, I wonder..." And, before long, these earrings were born.

I'd like to say that I have a thorough tutorial with step-by-step pictures for you. But, that didn't happen. I did get a video of how to create these Floating Riveted Earrings though.
And, I'll tell you as best as I can how I made them.

Start with two discs cut from an old cookie tin and two rings that are slightly larger than the discs. Also, cut six strips of tin. Sand the front, back, and edges of the tin discs. Cut a tiny bit off the corners of the strips then sand them also. Texture the discs by running them through an embossing machine in an embossing folder.

Color the embossed discs and the strips with Vintaj Patina. I used Verdigris for the discs and Ochre for the strips. When the patina is dry, use a very fine sanding block to sand off the patina from the raised portions of the discs. Darken the revealed areas with Novacan Black. Then, seal all the tin with Vintaj Matte Glaze.

Bend the tin strips at their centers around the small rod of bail-making pliers. Then, use a power punch with a 1.5mm punch to create holes at the ends of the bent tin strips. Punch a hole near the edge of one of your discs. Then, center the disc within the ring. Insert the bent strip over the ring and around the disc so your holes all line-up. Insert a rivet through the holes.

Trim your rivet down then use a small hammer to flatten the trimmed end and secure all your tin. Repeat this process so that you have three of the bent strips equally distanced from one another on each of the ring/disc combos. Open the loop on an ear wire and slip it onto on of the rings. Then close the loop, repeat on the other earrings, and you're done!

If you have any questions about my process, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm still a little amazed at how easily these came together.

Disclaimer: I'm participating in the Amazon Affiliate program and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Long Overdue Thrifty Thursday

Ohmygoodness, y'all! I've had this compilation of a thrifty haul for over a month now. I haven't had a real thrift day since March because I'm a responsible person like that! But, somehow I've failed to share this little video and haul. Pardon the tardiness. The video shows my thrifty finds from February and March, but here's a little picture peek at a few of them.
This is my favorite and first thing I share in the video: a beautiful floral tin with buttons and other notions.

There were also a few other tins picked up. I can't believe these are the last ones I bought - over three months ago!

Wait until you hear about the deal I got on three of these books. It was insane!

And, I'm always up for a deep discount clearance item. Because of HL's stance and actions during the shut-downs, I'm not sure I'll ever pay regular price for something in their stores again. 

So, want all the details on the deals I got, even if it's a bit late? Here's my video on Thrift Hauls From February and March.

As for thrifting lately...I've picked up a couple interesting items at the Dollar Tree and made a quick loop through Goodwill a couple of days ago, but that's been the extent of it. And, that was all done while either picking up a necessity or dropping off donations and while wearing a mask. So, I feel slightly justified. Like I said, I'm TRYING to be responsible. I hope you're staying safe out there. And, how are you filling that hole where thrifting used to be?

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...