Sweet Button Bangle DIY

I received a beautiful selection of beads and buttons this month from Jesse James Beads as a Jesse James Beads Design Ambassador. Admittedly, they are colors I probably wouldn't have chosen myself, but it gave me even a hint more of a challenge. And, you know know how I like a good challenge. I should have a full reveal of everything I made from what they sent next week, but when I saw those beautiful Mermaid Mix in Coral buttons from Dress it Up, I knew I needed to make a button bangle with them. 

Yes, this design isn't new to me, but I took some time to update the tutorial. You can watch and learn to make your own button bangle on YouTube. 

It's a simple process that uses a thrifted bracelet as a base, wire, and those lovely buttons. 

Of course, if you have ANY questions I'm always available to answer them. Ask away!

ICAD 2022, part 1

We're just over two weeks into ICAD (Index Card a Day). This is a challenge that runs each June and July in which those participating use index cards to create little pieces of mixed media art. The originator, Tammy Garcia of Daisy Yellow, has optional weekly themes and daily prompts to help inspire the artists. As well, Nina Fickett has developed her own list of mixed media prompts if those are more your style. I don't tend to bother with the weekly themes at all but will take a look at both sets of prompts before working on my cards to see if they spark anything for me. Sometimes, I just go promptless, and sometimes I use both prompts. I've surprised myself this year by being able to get the video for each day recorded and on YouTube. I release them at 4pm (Central). I don't expect that I will be able to do this for the whole two months, but I will try! So that things don't get too overwhelming for me to share later, here are pictures of and links to the first fifteen. 

Day 1 (asterisk and graphite)

Day 2 (raw umber)

Day 3 (labyrinth and stamping)

Day 4 (key and book text)

Day 5 (pink and bread tie)

Day 6 (daydream and summer)

Day 7 (promptless)

Day 8 (promptless)

Day 9 (found and crimson)

Day 10 (Rubik's cube and collage)

Day 11 (rainbow and newsprint text)

Day 12 (blueprint and die cut)

Day 13 (pencil)

Day 14 (promptless)

Day 15 (art crayon)

You can probably tell that I'm having a good time just exploring different techniques and styles. I think that's kinda what ICAD is all about. We're only about a quarter way through this, and there's nothing saying you can't join in now. The rules are pretty loose. So what do you say? Are you gonna play along?

DIY Upcycled Key Pendant and Beaded Chain Necklace

While I was suffering from a broken ankle, I watched ALL the YouTube and discovered the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge from Angela of Pirate Pretties. I've mentioned this challenge a few times in my monthly list of art challenges. Reveal day each month is the 15th. That's TODAY! This birthstone inspiration challenge this month asked that we design with either pearls or alexandrite, use gold or silver, make a necklace, and (optionally) include a bold pendant. Here's what I made.

I did try to sort through pendants in my stash for one that I felt was BOLD enough. And, I considered making one with a rainbow of tin pieces. But, nothing felt quite right. I'm not even sure what steered me toward the key drawer, but here we are. 

The key is attached simply to the rectangle of tin with some wire. It is sturdy and works beautifully. 

The challenge is really to use the birthstone. So, the pearls went into the chain along with some crystal clear glass beads. I also decided to alternate silver and gold-colored wire. 

Of course, I recorded the process of making this handmade pendant and beaded chain necklace, if you want to see how the whole thing was pulled together. 

I know I probably overthought such a simple prompt as Pearls, but that's what I do. 
What would you have made?

More Assemblage from #The100DayProject

I am beyond tickled that I chose to do assemblage art for my 100 Day Project this year. Each day, I worked on something (small or large) toward an assemblage piece. And, even with the project now over, I'm slowly getting videos of many of them up on YouTube to share how they came together. As well, I don't plan on giving up the art either. I've found that I really enjoy pulling all of the treasures I've gathered and saved and hoarded into complete artworks. Two months ago, I shared the first of the videos I had up on YouTube of these assemblages. It's well past time that I make sure you see the rest of the ones that are available to watch now. 

Found Object Fairies

Mushroom Dwelling

Lucky Duck Pendant

Bubble Boy

Spool Case

Hexagon Button Box


Alphabet Soup

Wow, that was more of them than I thought. You should be able to click the pictures and/or captions to go to the videos. 
Which is your favorite?

Make sure to follow the CraftyHope YouTube Channel.

June Challenges and Inspirations

I'm hoping to make this quick since the month seems to already be getting away from me. If you're looking for art and jewelry inspiration this month, I've got the list for you. 

  • Right out of the gate, let me mention that it's ICAD time. ICAD means Index Card A Day and runs June 1-July 31. This is its 12th year. It's a mixed media challenge from Tammy of Daisy Yellow in which you alter an index card each day. To assist you, Tammy has weekly themes and daily prompts that are optional. In addition, my friend, Nina has made her own set of Mixed Media ICAD prompts which she is sharing on her Instagram. It's definitely not too late to join in. Catch up if you want or just start now. Make sure you share your creations on Instagram using any variety of these hashtags: #ICAD #ICAD2022 #DYICAD2022
  • Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry has revealed the latest photo inspiration from her husband for the Honey Do List. This is a jewelry challenge in which you create something inspired by the photo and share it on or after the reveal date of June 27th. 
  • The Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge reveal is coming up very soon on June 15th. This is a birthstone challenge from Angela. This month, the color is pearl or alexandrite, the metal is silver or gold, the project type is necklace, and the optional fun element is a bold pendant. You can post your reveal on either YouTube or on the Pirate Pretties Facebook Page. You can find all the information about this challenge in Angela's video (linked above.)
  • Halcraft collection has released the Pretty Palette inspiration for June. All the information about this challenge is on their site. It's another jewelry challenge. 
  • For a fun 2D or 3D Mixed Media challenge, I encourage you to check out Ina Solsbery's #4Core challenge in which you must include four core ingredients that change each month. You can watch Ina's detailed announcement about the June ingredients in her video here. Essentially, the ingredients are to include the theme of exploring relationships/connections, use violet/purple, include rocks or stones, and use a small container that can reveal the relationship/connection. Again, please check out her video for a better understanding of this list. Once your project is complete, you must email Ina pictures and (optionally) links to be included. You have until the end of the month. 
  • Terry of The Tapping Flamingo on YouTube has a Be Creative collaboration challenge each month. It is open to any medium. The theme this month is Travel and the hashtag is #BeCreativeTravel. Watch the linked video to get more information from her. The reveal is on June 13th. 

If you know of something that should be added, give me a shout!

Thrifty Thursday

 Over the course of this week, I was able to pick up and receive quite a few treasures from various thrifty sources. There are some very neat items in this haul as I was able to go to an estate sale, a yard sale, the Dollar Tree, and the craft store. As well, a generous friend sent me a sweet package. You can watch the whole Thrifty Thursday video to see everything. 

So, have you found any treasures lately?

Art Journal Videos from May 2022

In case you missed them, here are the Art Journal Videos I shared on the CraftyHope YouTube Channel in May. Let me go ahead and mention that June's list is already out of control because it's Index-Card-a-Day (ICAD) season, and I've been sharing my cards daily and may go ahead and list them weekly here too. We'll see how I feel about that soon. In any case...here's May. 

Junk Journal Page - Care

Art Journal Spread - Flowers for #MMMMay22

Junk Journal Page - Begin

Junk Journal Page with a Pocket

Let me tell you that these four pages are four of my favorite, ever. But, I suppose that's what happens when you keep making things - you get better at it and learn more about what you like and like to do. If you want to see more from me, head over to my CraftyHope YouTube Channel. Let me know what you think!

What a day!

I began today with no plans of blogging because I knew it would be a busy one. But, now that some of today has wrapped up, I need to document it. Let's do this chronologically.

First, I woke knowing it was June 1st and the first day of Index-Card-a-Day (ICAD.) So, once I took care of most of my morning routine, I threw mixed media supplies at an index card, recorded it, and worked on getting the video up. Whew! (You should be able to click the below picture or its caption to go to the video.)
ICAD 2022 - Day 1

From there, I was off to see my Orthopedist. He released me from his care but advised me to get more exercise into my daily routine. And, he told me that today would be my last day at Physical Therapy (PT). So, when I headed up there after lunch, I had to let them know that it was the end. I've been seeing these therapists 2-3 times a week for several months now and have formed a bond of sorts. It's going to be weird not having those appointments break up my week. But, I do have to continue the stretching and exercises at home for a while. I feel like I've graduated from Ankle Repair Surgery or something. 

Just as I was leaving PT, my guest post video for Mixed Media Menagerie went live!! 
Mixed Media Menagerie June 2022

I applied earlier in the year to be a guest artist with these fabulous ladies and was honored to accept the June spot. (Again, you can click the picture or caption to watch the video.) I think they might still have some spots open if you want to apply too! Of course, you can always play along by using the tag #MMMJun22 on Instagram on YouTube. My video explains what the prompts are this month. 

And, now, I'm reveling in so many big things happening in one day. I hope tomorrow isn't a disappointment! Nah...there's another ICAD to do!

Tell me something good happening in your world. 

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...