I Heart Macro: Beach Day

The last few days have been CRAZY!
We let the nieces come stay for two nights so they could do a couple of fun things (Exploreum and the beach) before they start back to school.
After they left, we learned that we seriously need to appreciate the silence we often get to enjoy by NOT having children.
In the chaos, I didn't get to take any Macro shots until today.

Pat and I made our own trip down the beach to put our boat in the water.
A friend joined us.
So while he and Pat were out sailing, I had the opportunity to snap a few beachy shots.
Sandy Toes
Beach Debris
Cooling Water

Join up at Studio Waterstone for I Heart Macro Sunday!

Here's hoping your weekend was full of adventure too!

BTW to Spur Me On

It's Bead Table Wednesday once again, and I had to use it as a motivator to get something ON my desk.
You see, I completed a few projects yesterday and even cleaned off the debris. . . weird. So, I had to come up with a few new designs for today!

I've noticed that while I have a nice collection of various types of chain, I very seldom use it. 
For today, I pulled out my bags of chain and picked out a couple of strands. 
Here's what I've come up with so far.
The idea for this one is racing around in my head, and I will probably start on it before the day is over.

The design for this one isn't quite as set yet. The pearls and pendant are a bracelet I made for the Muffin Tin Challenge, but I've been meaning to pull it apart. . .just not happy with it. However, there's something about the combo of the feminine pendant and pearls that go well with the bulkier chain. Decisions, decisions!

Of course, while it's not exactly on my bead table, the creative endeavor that took up most of my morning was this.
Raspberry Breakfast Bars
Here's hoping they're worth the time it took! (They're for breakfast tomorrow)

Check out the others in the Bead Table Wednesday Flicker Group

Lastly, there's a new item in the shop:

Warm rays on my face
Strolling through the garden blooms
Simple pleasures grow
Garden Blooms Necklace

Alright. . .I'm off to slice the bars and wrap some beads!

Feeding Frenzy

Rustic warm comfort
Like cozy fireside camping –
Fun for everyone
Warm Comfort Earrings

It feels like my entire day has been taken up with FOOD!
I went ahead and planned my menu last night, but then spent the morning clipping coupons and organizing the grocery list. After lunch (more food) I was able to finally head to the store.
I couldn't find a few items at my regular store, so I went BACK out to two other stores. Sadly, they didn't carry those ingredients either and I was forced to find substitutes back at the house. Sigh. . .
Now, I'm finally here for some Meal Plan Monday goodness.
Check out some of the other fab menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie.
Here's mine!

Breakfasts: Peanut butter or nuttella toast, waffles, sausage and egg sandwiches, raspberry breakfast bars, hashbrown baskets, cinnamon sugar croissants (all with fruit/juice on the side)

Lunches: Cheese quesidillas, chicken salad, tuna noodles, turkey sandwiches, homemade pizzas, bean burritos, soup w/grilled cheese

Beef Stroganoff w/green beans
Chicken Noodle Soup, baguette
Grilled Pork chops, corn, potato salad
Crockpot beer chicken, mashed potatoes, peas

Let me admit that meal planning isn't really the only thing I accomplished today.
I did list the earrings at the top of the page and place this necklace on sale.
Copper Flowers Earrings 

And now. . .it's just about time to start cooking dinner.
Maybe I can finish working on this necklace before the day's over.
Let's hope that's not just wishful thinking!

I Heart Macro: Paint Supplies

If you remember my Bead Table Wednesday (BTW), you'll remember that I cleaned off my craft desk(s). This task included soaking some of my paint water jars and paintbrushes. I couldn't resist snapping a few shots.

See what else is going on this I Heart Macro Sunday with Lori at Studio Waterstone.

It's Always Something, Isn't It?

With a clean table and a full head, I started the day fairly motivated.
In fact, I started it right off in the craft room as opposed to my comfy chair in the living room (where I usually check e-mails and such first thing.)

After working for a few minutes to start on the next step to a project I started last night, I pulled out my "Porjects to work on" bin that contains a variety of items to be repaired, completed, etc.
On top was a necklace for my cousin. . .reminding me that I need to search out the right color of suede cord.
But next was this. . .experiment that I started many, many, MANY years ago.
After examining it and the other beads in the baggie,
I decided it just needed a "clasp" to be finished off. So, I added a button. 
Viola = interesting fall colors bracelet.

Just as soon as I had that completed, before I could even get all the extra beads and buttons put away, Pat asked me to run out for some lunch. No problem, Chick-Fil-A sounded good.. . .

Alas, it was too good to be true.
As I started to pull out of the driveway, the car felt a little weird and I noticed that my tire was leaving an odd mark on the cement. 
I was already scheduled to pick up the nieces this afternoon and Pat has to leave early also for a gig so we rallied and tried to come up with a solution. Hmmmmm...

We ended up putting as much air into the tire as we could and Pat followed me the mile up to Wal-Mart. I seriously didn't think the tire would make it. But, IT DID!! (as my heart beat and I prayed!)

Of course once there, I couldn't just sit there and wait. I had to wander over to the bead section.

THEN, I just sat there and took in the scenery.

I'm thankful that we discovered the flat when we did and got it remedied. But, I hate that my motivated day and my bin of projects fell to the wayside. Ah well. It's always something.

Childlike Happiness (NEW)

Remnants of the Past (ON SALE)

At least something got accomplished today. . .that's better than last week!

BTW, Etsy, and Announcements

After yesterday's rambling post about my online activity, I've got lots of beady goodness for you today! (can I get a hurray) So let's jump right in!

Bead Table Wednesday
I've been continuously working on getting my haikus and descriptions written. . .so I made "pile" of the completed ones so I could see my progress!

However, I still haven't created anything at the bead table in the last few weeks between trips, illness, and the clutter. So, I did prep for some creativity by CLEANING my many tables!
Here's how they started off

Here's how they ended up

I felt a sense of accomplishment as soon as that was done. Naturally, I headed out to Michael's and Hobby Lobby for a few new supplies!!
Let me admit that just about everything I bought was either on sale, on clearance, or I used a coupon. So it was fairly frugal!

New in the shop
Beach Days Necklace

On Sale
Seeing Spots Necklace

The White Trash JUNK necklace was featured in another treasury
Junkin' and Thrifin'

**Don't forget that the Bead Soup Blog Hop signups start on August 1st!
Click the link (above) to learn more.
Bead Soup Blog Party

**And check out the beautiful silver earrings that BooBeads is Giving away!

I'm off to play with my new supplies and see how big of a mess I can make on the clean table!

Where I Have Been

How much time online a day do you have to log before you get diagnosed with an addiction/obsession?

Since I haven't been very productive in the craft room lately, I figure I should expose where I HAVE been spending my time and some of the many places you can find me. 
Physically, I've been in my chair in the living room trying to keep the room from tilting.
In cyberspace. . .I've been all over the internet.

Like many others, I've become addicted to Pintrest
If you haven't heard of it, you really should go check it out! Basically, all users have "boards" onto which they "pin" the interesting tidbits they find while surfing the internet waves. The pins are basically pictures. The boards vary by topic and I've yet to figure out it there's a limit on the number of boards you can have. Boards' topics can be anything: a particular color, food stuffs, a type of craft, inspiration, pretty much ANYTHING. Then, you follow people with interesting boards. . .they follow you. . .you share the cool bits and images all in one place. 
If you haven't joined up yet and are interested, let me know and I can send you an invitation!
If you are already on Pintrest; please follow me and let me know so I can follow you back!

In addition, I do spend quite a bit of time on Tumblr also. 
Tumblr, to me, is a lot like Pintrest. . .but there are WAY MORE options than just a photo board. It's basically a blog, basically. It's a bit more social and smaller snippets than a full blown blog. You can post photos, text, quotes, links, videos, music. . .whatever you want. Much of the time, whatever I repin on Pintrest, I tumble on Tumblr and vice versa; but not always. I use them both a little differently. However, Tumblr allows me to use my URL CraftyHope.com. So if you ever enter that, my Tumblr is what you will find. 

I recently joined up on Google+.
I haven't really completely figured it out yet, but I know it's still growing and as it does I'll learn more. If you want an invite, again just let me know. If you're already on there, drop me a line so I can add you to one of my circles!! If you get it more than me. . .please educate me!

The BULK of my time gets spent on blogs.
I use Google Reader to manage the long list of blogs I read. Many of my favorite blogs can be found on the sidebars of my own blog. (Of course, if you're reading this in a feedreader like Google Reader, you'll need to actually click over to my actual blog to see those blogrolls.) You'll find a list of other jewelry and bead related blogs on the left sidebar as well as a list of friends' blogs on the right sidebar. If you find that YOUR blog isn't on either of these lists, please don't hesitate to let me know! Please note that these are not the ONLY blogs I read. . .there are many, many more!

Lastly, my other time-consumers are the usual suspects. . .Facebook and Twitter. I've been using these two for YEARS and can never catch up, ever. You can find me in both places as CraftyHope. Of course, I do have a Facebook page as well. Simply search for CraftyHopeJewelry and you'll see me! 

I do have links to finding me in all these places (except Google+) on the right sidebar. So, you won't have to go back and find this post again, just refer there!

Now, for some eye-candy!
Twirling Fairy Earrings
Find me! Friend me! Follow me!
I don't mind a stalker or two ;)
Back to it!

Doctors and Menus and Haiku

I've already posted once today, but there's still so much to say.
As such, WELCOME to my second blog post of the day!!

First, I saw a doctor (nurse practitioner) today who also told me I just have vertigo. She said there was a possibility there is some fluid on my eardrum and I can take some allergy medicine to dry it up. Otherwise, I should keep taking the motion sickness meds the Urgent Care place recommended. sigh. I guess I've been so immersed in Harry Potter lately I was hoping for some magic. Alas, no.

Second, I actually got a meal plan done while I was sitting in the waiting room. Since it is Meal Plan Monday, I want to go ahead and share it to prove that I'm getting back on track (more for myself than anyone else). Please visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for more menus! **Menu Plan Monday is being hosted by Finding Joy in My Kitchen this week. . .oops**

Breakfasts: Cereal; muffins; waffles; omelets; biscuits and sausage; and eggs, bacon, & toast.

Lunches: Tuna noodles, leftovers, soup and grilled cheese, ham quesidillas, chicken salad, homemade pizzas, and PB&J

Steak (w/broccoli and potatoes)
Pork Loin (w/green beans and rice mix)
Fancy Macaroni {w/sausage instead of ham}(w/broccoli)
~I'm short on dinners this week as Pat's got a busy band-playing week ahead~

Third, I listed my first Haiku piece (hit the link to go to the shop and check out my poem!!)
Fly High Necklace

I think that's all. I'll let you get back to your regular schedule while I attempt to find mine!

Announcing a Change

While I know there's been very little NEW activity in my shop lately, there's also been very few sales the last few months. This has dampened my spirits some but has also given my an opportunity to think more about my shop, my jewelry, and my approach to selling what I make. I'm still not sure if this much thought is a good thing or not, but let me get to the point. . .

Starting today, all new items listed in my shop will include a Haiku as part of its description.
  • It's a little something that will set my shop apart from others
  • I do love words
  • I used to write poetry on a fairly consistent basis and miss that outlet
  • This will help me stretch my creative muscles beyond simply making jewelry
  • Each haiku will serve as a basis for the title of the piece (since I always have a hard time with those)
  • The poems will give buyers get a little insight into how I think each jewelry piece 'feels'
I'll go ahead and admit that while I will try to write each Haiku in the traditional manner (syllabic, punctuation, seasonal words), this will not always be the case. In general, each poem will have the 5-7-5 syllable lines that most people come to expect. Hopefully, I won't receive too much criticism for this lax in traditional haiku.

I also plan on including a copy of the poem with each piece sold (at least the ones that have one written.)

The first Haiku piece(s) should be listed this afternoon, so please keep your eyes peeled. (That is, if all goes well and quickly at the doctor's office this morning.)

In the meantime, let me share other happenings at Etsy.
1. My White Trash JUNK Necklace was included in this cute treasury
Trashy and Classy
2. I put this bracelet on sale 20% off!
After a Spring Rain Bracelet
3. As well, this stone and bead necklace is now 25% off!
Peach Beach Necklace

I know I'm probably going off the deep end with this Haiku idea, but it was just one of those things that came to me in a flash and I thought I'd try to pursue. . . at least for a little while. We'll see how it goes. I can always change things up if I need to!! Oh, and I am a little afraid of becoming known as HaikuHope because of this. Let's not let that happen okay!

Thoughts? Comments? Loads of giggles at the silly girl? I'd like to hear it!

I Heart Macro: Bowling and Raining

Vertigo be damned. . .I really want to get back on track and cease sitting around the house all dizzy.
I go to a real doctor's office tomorrow (as opposed to the Urgent Care center I saw on Tuesday).
Hopefully they'll get it sorted out!

It's overcast and rainy today so I'm really going to push myself to get the house in order and maybe try to get some work done. . . starting with this blog post.

My mardi gras society had a bowling function yesterday.
There's just something so pretty about the marbling in/on a bowling ball. . .they're like big ole beads too!!
I just had to snap a shot before my really poor performance!

See other close up shots at Studio Waterstone's I Heart Macro!

Let me also mention that Beadwork by H is having a Summer Bead Giveaway! Check it out!

Time for me to get back to work. . .

Harry Potter, Midnight, Tonight

I've been waiting for as well as dreading today for months-years. 
Tonight, at midnight, I'll see the LAST Harry Potter movie.
It's so very bittersweet.

If you have any doubt of my love for all things Harry Potter, remember where I went on vacation a few weeks ago. . .AND, just do a search within my blog for anything Harry related and you'll find a long lists of posts mentioning the boy wizard.

In honor of the movie tonight, I created an Etsy Treasury full of all kinds of magical creations.
It All Ends
Please click on the link to see the full treasury!!

I plan on taking my wand with me as well as making myself a deathly hallows necklace (time permitting) to wear for the movie. Oh, and I pray I don't forget the tissues as I know I'll be sobbing my eyes out as it comes to an end.

So that this post isn't completely centered on my geeky interests, take a gander at these earrings that were placed on sale today.
Split Personality Earrings - ON SALE

Are you spending the day obsessing over the end or did you not even realize that tonight was the night? Either way. . .enjoy your day.

Bad Blogger (BTW)

There should be a big, fat F written in red ink across the front of this blog! I've absolutely failed at blogging over the past week. Yes, I was at the convention all of last week and yes, I've been struggling with a bout of vertigo this week. But, are those ANY excuses for my lack of posting? I don't know that they are.

In addition, I haven't made hardly any jewelry in WEEKS! In fact, the only wearable art that's come out of my hands (and onto my wrists) are a few friendship bracelets.

Why am I stressing over these things? Well, I found out this week that I was ranked at #22 in the Jewelry Making blogs category on Wikio!!! I'm not completely sure how I got that great of a ranking on the first time, but I figure I might have just slipped in there under the radar since previously I had been only listed in the Craft category. Ah well, my lack of blogging and lack of blogging about jewelry will not help things in any way. So, here I am a little dizzy and with a lack of complete focus trying to stay on top of things.

My hands are itching to have some wire and beads in them to twist and secure, but my eyes and head are swimming too much to focus on small details. It's a crying shame. However, I am feeling better today than I have the past couple of days, so hopefully I'm on the mend.

Since it's Bead Table Wednesday, let me share what's on and surrounding mine.
Oh yes. . .that is my muffin tin covered in foil for easy transportability. It's filled not only with my muffin tin projects, but all other completed projects that I've decided to list in my Etsy Shop. These items simply need descriptions. Seriously. I'm trying to catch up, really. If I could just hold my head up.

You may recognize my travel box from a few weeks ago. I did unpack it after vacation, but then packed it again for this trip. Now, it sits and waits for unpacking once again.

Don't forget to visit the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group and see what's on everyone else's tables.
Bead Table Wednesday

While I do want to bust into those beads and boxes and finished projects, I still am trying to get the house in order today; clean toilets, unpack suitcases, laundry, etc. before I can venture any farther into my creative space. Bummer. But, if I don't set limits on myself, I might not get ANYTHING accomplished EVER.

Hopefully, I can check back in with y'all tomorrow!

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...