Feeding Frenzy

Rustic warm comfort
Like cozy fireside camping –
Fun for everyone
Warm Comfort Earrings

It feels like my entire day has been taken up with FOOD!
I went ahead and planned my menu last night, but then spent the morning clipping coupons and organizing the grocery list. After lunch (more food) I was able to finally head to the store.
I couldn't find a few items at my regular store, so I went BACK out to two other stores. Sadly, they didn't carry those ingredients either and I was forced to find substitutes back at the house. Sigh. . .
Now, I'm finally here for some Meal Plan Monday goodness.
Check out some of the other fab menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie.
Here's mine!

Breakfasts: Peanut butter or nuttella toast, waffles, sausage and egg sandwiches, raspberry breakfast bars, hashbrown baskets, cinnamon sugar croissants (all with fruit/juice on the side)

Lunches: Cheese quesidillas, chicken salad, tuna noodles, turkey sandwiches, homemade pizzas, bean burritos, soup w/grilled cheese

Beef Stroganoff w/green beans
Chicken Noodle Soup, baguette
Grilled Pork chops, corn, potato salad
Crockpot beer chicken, mashed potatoes, peas

Let me admit that meal planning isn't really the only thing I accomplished today.
I did list the earrings at the top of the page and place this necklace on sale.
Copper Flowers Earrings 

And now. . .it's just about time to start cooking dinner.
Maybe I can finish working on this necklace before the day's over.
Let's hope that's not just wishful thinking!


  1. Wish I were so organized! Love the button earrings!

  2. Marian- Ha! I only play an organized person on the internet! You should see the rest of my life. :)

  3. LOVE these earrings! and the food sounds pretty darn good too.

  4. OneKiss,
    Thanks so much!!
    As far as the food, so far so good!

  5. Hope, the earrings and necklace are beautiful and fun. The menu sounds yummy.

  6. Therese,
    Thanks, they were both fun to make as well!
    So far the menu is delish!


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