On the Fourth We Partied and on the Fifth I Packed

I'm going to try to knock this post out quickly.
I've got a convention (nothing to do with beads. . .sorry) starting tomorrow and lasting through the whole weekend and I've still got plenty to do in preparation. But I wanted to let you know why I may be absent the rest of the week (though, you never know when I might be able to pop online for a few minutes.)

I hope you had a fabulous Fourth of July whether you celebrated America's independence or not.
Mine was spectacular.
Pat and I decided to chill at the house most of the day (since there tends to be a high incidence of drinking and driving on the 4th). However, since we are water babies, we still wanted to get wet. So, Pat set up the soaker hose on a tarp in the backyard then added our beach chairs and a cooler with some cold beverages.

Here's a better look at the soaking

And my invention for not getting water into my beer (that's right, it's a plastic glove. . .we were calling it a beer condom)

We grilled some brats and corn (we only took the husk off right at the end of the grilling, per these directions)

And I threw some tater tots in the oven for one yummy feast!

After a bit, we were craving something sweet, so I made some Four Ingredient Nutella Brownies (we ate them ALL)

Later in the evening we headed downtown for my favorite part of the Fourth, the FIREWORKS!!
I caught a few videos on my phone, so here's a sample of our show. I personally liked that the crescent moon was in the background the whole time and you can see the reflection of the fireworks on the water. . .so pretty!!

I know for sure I'll be back posting away next week. . .for now let's just see if I survive this one! First, back to packing!


  1. Looks like fun! Have a Great Week Hope!

  2. Cool Hope, looks like you had a great 4th of July. I missed the fireworks here it rained last night and the fireworks were later than expected and I had to get up very early to go to work. Have a good week at your convention.

  3. love the invention of the beer saver and the cooling off technique :)

  4. I will never be able to look a plastic glove in the face again...

    But it sounds like a smashing day!! ;)

  5. Patty- It was! Thanks!

    Therese- I hate that you missed the fireworks. I hope my video helped some. I hope the week goes well also.

    Halloween- It was definitely a think outside of the box kinda day!

    Holly- HA!! Sorry. It really was a fun day though.

  6. Looks like an awesome day!

    "Beer Condom" haha, I need to show my hubby that LOL

    have a good time at the convention!


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