You know that 'crash' you feel after a sugar rush or an all-nighter? That's how I feel right now, since Christmas is over. It was building and building - frantic shopping, hurried wrapping, ripping through presents, and tearing through excellent feasts. Then, a spiral downward, head shaking, muttering, "It's over already? But, I didn't even get a chance to enjoy it." I never got to try Krystal's peppermint or eggnog milkshakes and only just discovered Starbucks' peppermint mocha (soooooo good).
Oh well, there's always next year.
So...what'd ya' get?
I got a game for the Wii and a promise to go shopping this weekend for the long awaited diamond ring!! (Yes, I'm long married but never got the ring.) I also got a baking stone, a Mickey Mouse ornament, some candy, a beautiful sweater, and some other cool stuff. My oldest niece (age 7) gave me a gold-toned butterfly ring with two red 'stones', and the youngest (age 4) gave me a ceramic plaque to hang that says "Aunt - you make my life a whole lot sweeter." It has pictures of candy on it. Too cute!!
In all, it was a pretty good Christmas, but where all the time went. . . I dunno!