Crafty Thanksgiving Weekend

I guess I just took what they call a "blogging break" for Thanksgiving. It was not intended. I had planned posts and everything. Yet, somehow, the time just slipped away from me. I did stay somewhat busy, besides eating turkey and pie. I also went to work on Friday, so there. I know you've all been sitting on pins and needles waiting for my next post. To prove that I've been busy, see the crafting I accomplished:

I replaced the cord on the o-ring necklace with a chain

I made some Christmas cards that are going to be gifts (early ones). These are mostly done. I just want to add some embellishments. I'm also going to write a tutorial for these in the next day or so. It has been added to my constant TO DO list.

I also cleaned my craft room. However, I did not take any pictures of it as it's still not organized, cleaned, or decorated in the exact manner I want. I may take some pictures later if I get brave, since there are some aspects to the room that I really do like.

So, it was a fairly crafty holiday weekend. I hope you had a happy turkey day and got to be with the ones you love.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your necklace - very cool!

  2. It was so wonderful seeing you over Thanksgiving! That is such a fabulous necklace!! I am trying to convince myself to do some of these crafts over Christmas when I finally have some time. Hope all is well and I will keep reading your blog, waiting on "pins and needles." :-)


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