Giggles and Grins

There's a holiday towards the middle-end of this week. That, in itself, should make you smile on this Monday. However, if you need just a little more incentive - here's another edition of Crafty Hope's "Made Me Smile Monday"

  • Here's a great example of how the times have changed and what would have gotten you laid in 1977 would get your butt kicked in 2007.
  • Your wedding is a day you will always remember but here are some wedding photos you won't forget.
  • One photographer is able to help kids better envision their dreams of flying.
  • I am an addict of the Sci-Fi Channel show "Ghost Hunters" (wait, that's not the funny part). One of the investigators, Steve, is a tattoo covered guy. On a recent interview he admitted that in his spare time, he hangs out with his cats, Home Depot and Sassy Lashes. Isn't that funny? It made me smile anyway.
  • I don't even know how to explain this one. Here are Pop Song Correspondences, letters to or about singers' songs. I definitely laughed out loud at a few of them.
  • If you enjoy "The Office" on NBC, you will enjoy watching The Office's Top 10 Pranks.
  • This post from Soule Mama shows that art is always up for interpretation.
  • A quote: “Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.” – Dave Barry
  • Cookie cutters for those with a slightly twisted mind.
  • What made me smile the most this week? LOML* came home!!
I hope you now have as much to smile about as I did.

*LOML=Love of My Life

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