
Who's ready to get WILD? It's another "Wild Wild Web Wednesday" (it is Wednesday right?)

I was able to gather some interesting links for you to check out:
  • You think you like my blog? Well, what if you were able to read the blogs of your other favorite celebrities.
  • If you are just as big a geek about Lord of the Rings as I am, making an exercise goal related to it would make you excited too.
  • I haven't seen all of them yet but here are the alleged 50 must watch videos online.
  • You know those late nights when the infomercial products actually look like a good idea? Now you can find out what other insomniacs thought about their late night impulses.
  • When you're in high school, your parents tend to embarrass you. Because of his mother, this boy will probably be the king of the school.
  • There are some weird toys out there.
  • Even not been able to find the word to describe something? That word could very well be on this extensive list.
  • Check out these neat staircases.
  • Use flickr to
  • S P E L L

    I hope you enjoy these links and that they help you have a really Wild Wednesday on the Web!!!


  1. Nice. I had no idea Jason Mraz had a blog. Although he hasn't written since June. Bummer. I like your Wednesday link posts, gives me something to look at without having to surf the web myself!! :-) Oh, and awesome job with keeping up with this!!

  2. Ok I take that back. Jason Mraz writes his dates with the day first, then the month. What American does that? Thus, his last post was November 6th! Sweet.


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