On Friday I stepped out the front door to find a big, heavy box on the front porch with my name on it. At first I was confused because I knew I hadn't ordered anything, and it was too heavy to be journaling 'happy mail'. It all became clear when I saw whose name was on the return label, my friend,
Christine of One Kiss Creations!
She had mentioned a while back that she was gathering up some items for me. I didn't think much of it really, other than "How sweet of her!" However, the weight of the box told me it was much more than I had imagined.
Jeez Louise!! Look at all that bounty and beauty. I've got lots of pictures of what Christine shared with me so I'll try to keep my words to a minimum (TRY is the key word here, because it's hard for me not to exclaim and gush over all this awesomeness.) Oh, and clicking on the pictures should open a larger image for you.
There were TEN baggies jammed into the box |
Here are the first two baggies I opened |
A little closer look at some of the goodies |
Baggies three and four held whole necklaces and loose beads with a few pendants |
Baggie five contained several seed beads necklaces, while baggie six was full of loose beads |
These little. . .gnomes/trolls/pixies caught my attention for sure. They are each clasping a quartz crystal |
Baggie seven was full of chain in various forms |
This glass pearl and rhinestone bracelet made me gasp at its beauty! |
The eighth bag held various necklaces and an envelope of plastic pearls (love the ephemera) |
In the ninth bag, I found a variety of jewelry and beads. |
I purposely saved this bag for last as I knew it would be my favorite. |
It was full of misc. jewelry findings, earrings, and pendants. |
Almost all of it is something I know I can find a use for. |
Look at all the sparkle and shine. How Christine parted with these, I'll never know. |
Christine let me know in a sweet note (involving a dream she had about me) that I could do anything I wanted with her gift: use it, pass it on, donate it, toss it (WHAT!?). So, I've since gone though the baggies a second time to sort out what I know I won't use from what I could possibly use.
I swear, just sifting through these pretties was a rockin' good time. I've made a few piles of what to keep, not keep, and pass to a friend. Next will be dissembling and sorting by type. Oh, what fun you've blessed me with, Christine.
I don't even know how I'll ever say thank you enough for this truly generous gift. Christine makes some beautiful creations using seed beads and bead weaving, a skill I just don't have. I do recommend that you go check out Christine's blog,
One Kiss Creations; follow
One Kiss Creations on Pinterest; and become a fan of the
One Kiss Creations Facebook Page!
Thank you Christine for your generosity, kindness, and friendship. I feel truly blessed.