Getting Back on Track with Meal Planning

It's been weeks since I last shared my menu. This has been due mostly to being sick, but the holidays made everything wonky too. I'm so relieved to be feeling better and am looking forward to welcoming in the new year with better health and a plan, at least a meal plan in any case!

Breakfasts: Waffles; cereal; Bacon w/eggs, toast, & fruit, Muffins, Omelets

Lunches: PB&J, Soup w/grilled cheese, Tuna noodles, Turkey sandwiches, Cheese quesidillas, Calzones, Bean burritoes

Chicken with Mustard Cream Sauce w/mashed potatoes and broccoli
Ham steaks w/field peas & spinach salad
School soup (from freezer)

What's on your menu this week?


  1. Yay for menu planning. I linked up to Menu Plan Monday too and got the Plan to Eat service which I totally love. Looks like a delicious week! Thanks for stopping by my blog for the planner and hope you stop by and link up with our#SmallVictoriesSundaylinkup

    1. Tanya, Menu planning saves me so much time and money. It's a must! I haven't heard of the Plan to Eat service, I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll also check out your linkup too. Your planner is great and I shared a link to it in my blog post today about preparing for the new year. I hope that's okay. Here's hoping your new year is fantabulous!

  2. School Soup? Did you share that recipe in an earlier post? I love soup! (Sorry if this comment appears twice!)


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