Prepping for the HumbleBeads Muffin Tin Jewelry Challenge

Heather Powers of HumbleBeads has issued another Muffin Tin Jewelry Challenge. The premise of this challenge is simple, fill a six or twelve cup muffin tin with the supplies to make 6-12 pieces of jewelry, make jewelry, take pictures, and reveal. I participated in the 2011 Muffin Tin Challenge also and really enjoyed it, so I thought this would be a fun project as the new year begins.

I also decided to jump on board with this challenge because it's been weeks since I've touched my beads and I needed a kick in the pants like this. Since I'm still smitten with my new video camera, I made a video of how I've prepped and gathered my beads. Let me warn you, this video is not the greatest - I just couldn't find my words at all. I decided to share anyway. If you'd rather not watch the video, no worries - I've got pictures of my prepped tins below the video.

Let me also mention that in the 2011 challenge, I used a single 12 cup muffin tin. I cannot locate that tin for this go-round. I think I might actually be using it for muffins. Go figure. Anyway, here are my tins. You should be able to click on them for a larger view.
Both tins, side by side
Muffin Tin #1 (Earring Tin)
Muffin Tin #2 (Bracelet and Necklaces Tin)
Now to get to work since the reveal is January 4th. I hope these turn out as well as many of the ones in the last challenge. Are you joining in this challenge or challenging yourself to start the year off with any certain projects?


  1. I think the trinkets in the muffin tins look like works of art in themselves. Better than cupcakes!

  2. Fun challenge! I love that upcycled piece with the flowers on it and can't wait to see how you finish it off. Saying "um" is so common. With concentration, I bet you can break the habit!

  3. I can't wait to see what you make with all these beads. I'm playing along too but using only a 6 muffin tin. i have another challenge on the 8th as well and didn't want to make myself crazy with too much going on.

  4. What a fun challenge! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. Jenna, It is fun and goes really quickly (well, so far it has. . .I'm almost halfway there!) Thanks!!

  5. What a great idea for a challenge! Maybe next year... I haven't got a muffin tray... just kidding, I don't think I can handle so many projects or prepare the necessary materials for them in advance :) But I will be looking forward to what you make!

  6. Hope, so glad you bounced back so quickly, and I can't wait to see the art you create!

    1. Kim, Thank you. I'm feeling much better. I'm still not perfectly up to speed, but getting there daily. I hope you are having a wonderful New Year. Here's wishing you a creative, happy, and prosperous 2015!

  7. Since today is the 31st, you are probably playing in beads right this very minute! Can't wait to see what you came up with...This is making me want to go play with jewelry bits and pieces!

  8. Loved the video. Can't wait the see what you make.



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