Cherish the Moment

This crazy week is so very close to coming to a close. I can taste it. I just have to get through the weekend that includes a baby shower, one niece spending the night, a trip to Montgomery (and back), and a kid's bowling birthday party. woohoo.
Is it weird that I'm looking forward to washing clothes on Monday?
Because that means my schedule is getting back to normal.

I haven't touched the craft room
Or listed a single piece of jewelry in the shop
I'm behind on my blog reading
And there's still a tray of items that need descriptions

But I recognize that I'm so very lucky that as far as I know all my family and friends are safe. I'm still reeling from the tragedy of Wednesday's tornadoes and the number of fatalities that continues to increase.

I pray with all my heart that those who were affected find some relief. As well, I plan to focus some energy next week to gathering and donating toward this cause.

In the meantime, I'll just keep on keeping on and cherish the moments I still have.

Pagoda Earrings on Sale

Distracted By Devastation

This won't be a long post.
If you've watched the news or twitter feeds, you'll know that my state of Alabama experienced some pretty severe tornadoes yesterday.

Most of us in the South of the state got off lucky with just some rain and a windy day. However, cities near Birmingham, Huntsville, and Tuscaloosa as well as MANY smaller towns scattered throughout the state were nowhere near as lucky. I've heard horror stories all night and all morning so far. My heart goes out to those affected by the storms.

I found this blog post from a Blogger in Birmingham. He details just some of the ways that people can help following these deadly tornadoes in Alabama.If you know of other ways to help, please leave a comment with details.
Thanks so much!

I apologize for my post not being upbeat, but my mind is currently elsewhere.

Tumblr Tuesday (4/26/11)

The youngest niece spent the night last night. We've already had a BUSY day and it's not even 1pm yet. She's taking a movie break and I thought I'd sneak in a quick blog post.

Here's some of the fabulous-ness I found on Tumblr this week.
Rainbow Books
Love this!
I just love chameleons
Great idea for  my re-organization
Beautiful Wave
Remember this
That didn't last long. . .she's ready to do something else. Later gators!

A Week of Mights

Before I launch into the excuses and work at hand. . .let me share with you some of the images from yesterday's Easter festivities at my mom's house.

There were pretty dyed eggs
Bubbles blown

A fantastic feast

Eggs hidden low

Hidden high

Hidden well (ones hidden better couldn't be photographed without revealing their location)

And even a special golden prize egg

Before long, the eggs were emptied of their contents and it was time for me to go home.

It was a happy, colorful day!

Now, it's back to the grind.
This week is full of all kinds of craziness since the nieces are on Spring Break AND it's their birthday week. So I've got some special time planned with each of them through the week. In addition, they both have a doctor's appointment that I will take them to. I'll be spending more time in my car this week than anywhere. Sigh. As such, I can't promise any regular posting this week.

I will be working on the craft room in my spare time (what little there is). And hope to have a little bit of an update for you by the end of the week.

A menu was planned, but I know it will be scattered with some frozen meals in there. So I'll just share a  basic outline of what my Meal Plan Monday looks like. Head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for some better thought-out plans.

Breakfasts: Cereal, bagels, egg-bacon-toast, pancakes, breakfast parfaits, omelets

Lunches: Chicken salad, bean burritos, BBQ sandwiches, tuna noodles, soup w/grilled cheese

Dinners: Frozen pizza, pot roast w/fixins, grilled chicken w/mac-n-cheese & green beans, cauliflower soup (from freezer), spaghetti

It's doubtful that I will post anything in the shop this week, but you can always check and see.

Did you pick up on what the title means?
I MIGHT get to work on the craft room
I MIGHT get to post here on the blog later in the week
I MIGHT cook some meals on the meal plan
I MIGHT list new items in the shop

It's a week of the mights. Wish me luck!

Craft Room Progress

Many of you asked for updates on how the craft room is coming along. While I didn't make MUCH progress this week. I'm quite excited about the few small improvements I can already see. Let me say, that at this point in the scheme, I'm working mostly to get rid of or just remove items from the craft room and reorganize the ones staying. There's not a whole lot of re-design going on just yet. However, I have begun to consider a color scheme. I'll get to that in another post.

For now. . .
That bookcase was overwhelmed with stuff (here's last week's post for a reminder.) I've boxed up a bunch of the books (mostly ones on organization. . .HA!) to donate and moved some others to the bookcase in the living room. The Mickeys also got moved to the bedroom. [For now, they're just in a box until I can get Pat to pull out a bookcase from the garage and put it in the bedroom.] In addition, moving books into the living room meant that I ended up having to go through all of the books in there as well. As a result, the thrift store will be getting TWO boxes of books from me!! All the books and magazines that did stay on this bookcase are pretty much craft related.

To replace all of the stuff that was on there, I moved a bunch of my "sewing supplies" from under the window to this unit. On the bottom shelf is my large sewing machine and two sewing baskets. In addition, my embroidery floss and basket of zippers also found their way here. As you can tell, there's still room for a few more supplies. I just haven't made it that far yet.

The Craftroom closet was also completed.

It doesn't look like much of a change from what you saw last week, but for me. . .it's MAJOR!

To aid me, I've got my handy dandy notebook with me.
As I purge and organize, I'm using it to jot down notes to remind myself things like
  • USE the fabric scraps I have to make some fabric beads
  • Research some different ways to organize rubber stamps
  • Make or buy some curtains
  • Take down clothesline running across craft room and figure out another way to display my dried flowers
  • Decide on a paint color for the hutch
  • Buy a taller filing cabinet
  • Figure out a better way to store ribbon
Seriously! These are the notes I leave to myself. Otherwise, I might just forget.

With that in mind, I'm thinking about popping over to a few thrift stores this afternoon to look for some storage solutions. Wish me luck!

I know I haven't listed anything new in the shop in about a week, but I did place two pairs of earrings on sale this morning!
Turf Earrings - 20% OFF
Copper Calla Lily Earrings - 15% Off!

And now.  . A big THANK YOU to all of you who visited yesterday for the Button Swap Blog Hop and left such encouraging comments. I really thought I was the only one who would like the Ent Wife necklace, but y'all really surprised me with all the support. Thank you.

Finally, I've come to the end. Let me wish you a Happy Earth Day AND a most Blessed Easter!

Button Swap Blog Hop

If you'll remember, back in February, Michelle Mach made a call for participants in a Button Swap. I was quick to sign up for this challenge. You know I'm a button fiend!
Before long, I was exchanging e-mails with my swap partner Maryanne of Zingala's Workshop and sorting out buttons to send to her.

Maryanne left me gasping when I received the button goodies in the mail from her.

It wasn't long before I set to work on some projects incorporating those treasures. I even gave a few sneak peeks here as teasers.

At long last, I can tell you my process and show you what I created. Hold on tight!
I placed the card Maryanne sent on my bulletin board for a few days to gather some inspiration. However, I knew as soon as I saw the buttons she sent that I would start with the handmade green button first. No matter how I looked at the button or turned it over in my hands, it screamed at me over and over, "I'm a Tree!!" So a tree I made her!
Since I had just finished watching the whole The Lord of the Rings Trilogy again when I made her, I imagined that she is one of the lost Ent Wives. Of course, at other times I consider that she is a wood nymph. I know that this necklace is a bit unconventional, but I really HAD to make her into the tree she so desperately wanted to be. 
It was a simple matter of twisting green seed beads and wire to make her branches and then braiding silk ribbon, a suede strip, and hemp cord for her trunk/body. I added some brown seed beads for a little sparkle. More suede cord and a clasp were added to complete the necklace.

Once that necklace was complete, I knew I wanted to make at least one more project with the buttons. I opted for the grey pearl button and selected a few complementary beads and a small glass button.
With some head pins, lengths of chain, and jump rings; I formed a simple focal that was added to a chain. 
These necklaces are at two opposite ends of the spectrum, but that's so much like me!

Before you start hopping around to see what everyone else has created with their buttons, let me tell you that Michelle (our gracious host) is having a giveaway of a set of buttons. She has more details on her blog. But here's the gist. Comment on each of the Button Swap Blog Hop blog posts and you get one entry for each comment. That means you can get 25 entries into the giveaway. Leaving me three comments will NOT get you three entries, only one. So, leave me a comment and hop away!!

Button Swap Blog Hop Participants

1. Cat - Boo Beads
2. Cindy - Sweet Bead Studio
3. Cory - Art with Moxie
4. Cyndi - Beading Arts
5. Dita - Alankarshilpa
6. Donna, Marti, and Michelle - Beads & Books
7. Erin - Treasures Found
**8. Hope - Crafty Hope (You are HERE!!)
9. Inca - Zerenity Design
10. Katrine - Army of Sock Monsters

11. Krista - French Elegant Jewelry
12. Kristie - Artisan Clay
13. Linda D. - Lutka and Co.
14. Linda L. - Linda's Bead Blog
15. Lody - Lody's Beadworks
16. Lori - Pretty Things
17. Loretta - Loretta's Boutique
18. Malin - Beading by Malin de Koning
19. Mary - MK's Creative Musings
20. Maryanne - Zingala's Workshop

21. Melinda - Melinda Orr Metal & Clay Jewelry Designs
22. Saskia - Perlendistel
23. Shannon - For My Sweet Daughter
24. Shirley - Beads and Bread
25. Stephanie - Confessions of a Bead Hoader

 Thanks for stopping by!

Take a Peek if You Must

Because of this
My tray of photographed pieces that need descriptions, prices, and listing
And this
The boxes I got last night to help clear out the clutter as I re-organize the craft room

As well as the 7000 Bracelets for Hope Blog Hop

My bead  table looks like this

Can you tell I've been a bit distracted?

Please, oh please GO take a look at all the marvelous things happening on OTHER craft desks this Bead Table Wednesday in the Flickr Group!
Bead Table Wednesday

Come back tomorrow for the Button Swap Blog Hop. I promise I'm more prepared for that!

Having Fun with Tumblr

I'm going to try something new today.
I don't think I've mentioned this, but a while back I got myself a Tumblr blog. If you go to that's what you'll see. . .my Tumblr.

When I first signed up for Tumblr, I wasn't really sure what to expect. Since I've been on there I've found it to be a lot of fun and quite inspiring. Tumblr blog posts are as simple as a picture, a quote, a conversation, maybe some text. Overall, it's just eye candy.

I've decided that I'm going to begin "Tumblr Tuesdays" and share some of the beauty and fun I found on Tumblr over each week with you here.
*The links to most of these will take to to the original sites,  but I will not vouch for the stability or character of those sites. I just want to give them their due credit link.*

On Tumblr, I've found other Etsy listings (and inspiring quotes)
Wild Air

Screen caps from some of my favorite movies (and tv shows)
Harry and Ginny

Beautiful photography images
The Beach

Yummy-looking and artful food images
Rainbow cupcake

Fantastic art
Graffiti Cathedral

Decorating inspiration
Porch swings

Other bits of fun
Reading rainbow

I even make posts myself, like the newest listings from my shop
Blooming Buttons Necklace
I've really had a lot of fun playing around on Tumblr.
If you've also got a Tumblr blog, please follow CraftyHope and I'll follow you back! If you don't have one. . .no worries, I plan on sharing some of my favorite Tumblr finds each Tuesday from now on. Of course, I'd love to hear what you think of this new plan.

Short and Sweet

I've spent almost all day on a to do list but have accomplished so very little in reality. It's kinda sad how quickly time can slip away from you sometimes. I'm so glad that I do have moments when I can sit back and relish in the beauty of the area in which I live.
With the hours continuing to dwindle away, let me just do what I came here to do and share my sale and menu plan.

This necklace went on sale
Sweet Tooth Necklace

Now, here's my meal plan for the week. Check out the other great menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday.

B: Cereal
L: Leftovers
D: Mac-n-cheese with sausage, green beans

B: Muffins
L: Chicken salad sandwiches
D: Hamburger patties, tator tots, corn


B: Bagels
L: Bean burritos
D: Hope out, Pat on own

B: Cereal
L: Ham sandwiches
D: Slow cooker chicken tortillas soup

B: Bagels
L: Tuna noodles

B: Eggs, bacon, toast
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Pot roast

B: Pancakes

Well, now I've got something else to check off my list!

You Made It!

I might be off base, but I know what you came here looking for.
At least I THINK I do. . .
Today's the reveal day for the 7000 Bracelets of Hope Blog Hop as hosted by Lori Anderson of Pretty Things.
The task: Make ONE blue jeans/denim inspired bracelet an send it to The Global Genes Project to be given to a family that has a child suffering from a rare disease. Easy enough!

The hardest part of the task (or at least in my eyes) was to make a bracelet that could fit any adult.
My solution? Memory Wire!!! Of course! It hit me like a bolt of lightening that memory wire would be the perfect material to use for this project.
After, that it was down to deciding on the blue beads.
I stumbled upon these marble-y blue glass beads that were gifted to me and felt like they were the perfect worn jean color. Somehow, the light just wasn't perfect to capture the color.
I used simple silver beads as a symbol of the simplicity of jeans. As well, I added some lacy silver bead caps. The bead caps seemed to give it just the right touch of country.

Now, hop on over to check out what the rest of the generous Blog Hop participants have created for these families:
1.  Lori Anderson, Pretty Things
2.  Jayne Capps, Mama's Got To Doodle
3.  Kym Hunter, Creatively Kym
4.  Mandy Duffy, Beads for Brains: 365
5.  Charlene Sevier, The Bead Dreamer
6.  Lisa Boucher, Lisa's Clay Happenings
7.  Mary Harding, Mary Harding Jewelry
8.  Barbara Lewis, Painting With Fire
9.  Amy Severino, Amy's Beads
10.  Jennifer Pride, Jewelry by Jennifer Pride

11.  Jenny Cameron, Glass Addictions
12.  Susan Ferguson, Windrock Studio
13.  Mortira vanPelt, Inspirational Beading
14.   Brandi Hussey, Brandi Girl
15.  Jenny Vidberg, Shyme Design
16.  Angela Barribou, Re: Angela Rae
17.  Stefanie Teufel, Stefanie's Sammelsurium
18.  Sue Hodgkinson, Hello Gorgeous
19.  Jean Yates, Snap Out of it Jean, There's Beading To Be Done!
20.  Nicki Keller, Nicki's Reef

21.  JJ Jacobs, Coming Abstractions
22. Stacey Curry, Star Hitched Wagon
23.  Carrie Tahquechi,  Carrie T
24.  Deci Worland, Gem Trails
25.  Debbie Goering, Prairie Emporium 
26.  Staci Smith, Staci Louise Originals
27.  Francy Inman, 8 Second Studio 
28.  Linda Landig, Linda's Bead Blog and Meanderings
29.  Cherin Poovey, Lanyard Lady 
30.  Deb Price, Green Shoot Jewellery Designs 

31.  Suzette Bentley, Ellies Bijoux  
32. Mallory Hoffman, For the Love of Beads 
33.  Shirley Moore, Beads and Bread 
34.  Kate Gardenghi, The Tropical Blonde 
35.  Marina Dobrynina, Savon Feutre 
36.  Molly Alexander, Beautifully Broken Me 
37.  Linda Djokic, Lutka and Co. 
38.  Cory Celaya, Art With Moxie 
39.  CJ Baushka, 4 His Glory Creations 
40.  Tracy Bell, Copper, Glass, and Recycled Trash 

41.  Sandra Richardson, Sandy's Coloring Box 
42.  Sandi Volpe, Sandi Volpe Designs 
43.  Kim Roberts, Bahama Dawn 
44. Hilary Frye, FryeStyle 
45.  Emanda Johnson, Artemisia's Studio 
46.  Lisa Kavanaugh, Beading Bliss
47.  Sue Kennedy, Sue Beads
48.  Raquel Amaral, Raquel Amaral
49.  Robyn Hawk, Daily Jewel
50.  Linda Inhelder, Must-Haves Jewelry

52.  Krista French, French Elegant Jewelry
53.  Andrea Robinson,  Madame Magpie's Shiny Things
54.  John Rasmussen, Rasmussen Gems and Jewelry
55.  Breana Fry, Vault 31
56.  Erin Prais-Hintz, Treasures Found
57.  Cyndi Lavin, Beading Arts
58. Dot Lewallen, Speedie Beadie
59.  Hope Smitherman, Crafty Hope
60.  Heather Pyle, Aquariart

61.  Adrienne Campbell, Adrienne Designs
62.  Dee Gordon, Runako Designs
63.  Judy Glende, Judith B. Designs
64.  Susie Hibdon, Vintage Susie & Wings
65.  Tania Spivey, Moobie Grace Designs
66.  Norma Agron, Norma's Clay
67.  Ana Novak, Cat's Pajamas, Dog's Tuxedos
68.  Johanna Rhodes, Fire Phoenix Creations
69.  Raida Disbrow, Havana Beads
70.  Christa Murphy, Adventures of One Beady Woman

71.  Holly Westfall, Silver Rose Designs
72.  Catherine Pruitt, Boo Beads
73.  Deana Hager, Just Deez' Art & Life
74.  Lupe Meter, Gem's PC Corner
75.  Valerie Norton, Hot Fused Glass
76.  Janet Bocciardi, Honey From the Bee
77.  Kitty Durmaj, Perles and Life
78.  Rose Noble, Lady Noble Design
79.  Sally Russick, WireWorked
80.  Margot Potter, The Impatient Crafter 

81.  KJ, KJ's Beadacious Beads
82.  Lana Kinney, Something Unique by Lana
83.  Melissa Meman, Melissa Meman ... Art, Life, Love 
84.  Karen Bien, Everyday Gypsy 
85.  Rebecca Anderson, Songbeads
86.  Cyn Gagen, Creative Edventures
87.  Niky Sayer, Silver Nik Nats
88.  Deb Beechy, Beetique
89.  Marian Hertzog, M's Place
90.  Kerry Bogert, Kab's Creative Concepts

91.  Judy Riley, Three Red Beads
92.  Charlene Gray, Gray Girl Studio
 93.  Erin Fickert-Rowland, Elysian Fields
94.  Sharon Palac, Sharon's Jewelry Garden
95.  Maryse Thillens, Glass Bead Art
96.  Christine Altmiller, One Kiss Creations
97.  Eileen Bergen, The Artful Crafter
98.  Bobbie Rafferty, Beadsong Jewelry
99.  Rebekah Payne, Tree Wings Studio
100.  Mari Aparicio, Mis Amores 

101.  Tracy Statler, Make Bracelets 
102.  Marcy Lamberson, Studio Marcy
103.  Kim Stevens, Picking Poppies
104.  Karyn White, Releases by Rufydoof
105.  Elisabeth Auld, Beads for Busy Gals
106.  Lisa Hamilton, Simply Irresistible Jewelry
107.  Serena Trent, All Things Made Jewelry
108.  Sharon Driscoll, Right Turn Artwerks
109.  Debbie La Rue, For the Love of Beading
110.  Maggie Towne, Maggie's Bead Towne

 111.  Cassandra Watsham, Designs by Cassandra
112.  Mary Ellen Parker,  BeeTree by m.e.

Thanks for stopping by!

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...