Rambling On. . .

I thought that by posting my weekend review I would have less rambling TODAY. It doesn't look like that'll be the case. Aw well, when you're a rambler like me there's little that can be done to change it.

Jumping right in.
Yesterday I mentioned my Friday trip to Blue Girl Beading Co. I decided to show you some of the treasures I obtained.

And, my order from GaeaExchange came in the mail!

Aren't they divine!

Of course, I've already just about filled up that new storage container.
Who am I kidding?

How about some free stuff? Here's a few GIVEAWAYS I found over the weekend.
1. Lorelei reviewed three books on her site and is giving them each away. Just leave her a comment and let her know which one you'd like. But HURRY, she's drawing names tomorrow!!
2. Handmadeology is giving away one of everything in their etsy shop. That's $105 worth of goodness. All you have to do is leave a comment and/or help promote this giveaway.

Now for something that's a bit more serious.
Some months ago, I read about the Global Genes Project's 7000 Bracelets for Hope. Of course, I misunderstood the whole thing and didn't sign up. Dur! Lori Anderson of Pretty Things (and Bead Soup Blog Hop famedom) did not misunderstand. Instead, she has taken it upon herself to organize a blog hop for the cause. I've signed up to make a denim/blue jean inspired bracelet and be included in the blog hop on April 16th. You should TOO! Sign-ups end tomorrow!

New Necklace. . .
Remnants of the Past Necklace

Lastly, Pat and I have a busy week coming up, but I didn't let that deter me from making a meal plan on this Menu Plan Monday. It's nothing fancy. . . For other, options make sure to check out some of the rest of the folks' plans over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

B: Cereal
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Grilled chicken, green beans, rice mix

B: eggs, bacon, toast
L: turkey sandwiches
D: Tacos

B: Breakfast parfaits
L: Mac-n-cheese with ham
D: Cheesy ham and broccoli casserole

B: Bagels
L: Chicken salad
D: Hope out, Pat on own


B: Muffins
L: Turkey quesidillas
D: Pat gig, Hope on own


B: Omelets
L: Hot dogs
D: Pat gig, Hope on own

B: Pancakes
L: Tuna noodles
D: Crockpot beer chicken, peas, mashed potatoes

I think I've rambled enough. . .Happy Monday!


  1. Lordy it's monday and you've had a full week! LOL Jealous of the new beads ...oh and I'll take the turkey quesadillas!

  2. I make some damn fine turkey quesidillas too!! ;)


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