A Bit Distracted

It was a mixed bag of a weekend.
There was a little of this
And some of that.

Plus there was some crafty time mixed in with it all.

As a side note, we had a GREAT time out on the boat, but the lagoon where we sailed was so eerily foggy that I felt like I was in a horror movie. It was awesome and scary at the same time. My imagination was all over the place (and by imagination, I mean the neurotic, zombie fearing part of my brain.) You can see some of the fog in the picture below . . .and this was when it had cleared up!

You probably noticed that my blogging tapered off a little bit last week. As such, I just want to show you the new items in the shop
Copper Flowers Necklace
Red Link Earrings

And that this necklace went on sale.
Button Cluster Necklace - 20% OFF!!

I also stumbled upon a few GIVEAWAYS!
1. There's a bead giveaway over at BeadWorkByH's Blog. All you have to do is let her know your favorite item in her shop to be entered.
2. The ever-fabulous Lori Anderson at Pretty Things is giving away a few beads and findings of her own. She's got a few awesome prize packs for some lucky winners. Leave a comment and share the giveaway info for chances to win.

While it's still Menu Plan Monday, let me go ahead and share my meal plan with you. Check out some of the others as well at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

L: Hot Dogs
D: Cheesy ham and broccoli casserole

B: Smoothies
L: Bean burritos
D: Hope meeting, Pat on own

B: Cereal
L: Ham Sandwiches
D: Beer Chicken, peas, mashed potatoes

B: Pancakes
L: Chicken Salad
D: Chili with rice

B: Breakfast parfaits
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: OUT - Margarita Friday

B: Omelets
L: Bagel pizzas
D:Pat gig, hope on own

B: Muffins
L: Leftovers
D: Pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and rice

That's all for tonight folks. Perhaps I'll be a bit more inspiring tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like an interesting weekend, you are certainly having fun with that boat! Love the copper flower necklace.

  2. Jenni -
    Yes, we are really enjoying the boat. Right now, we're just trying to hone our skills and learn how to work it.
    Thanks for the compliment on the necklace as well! :)

  3. Hi Hope!
    I love your blog!
    I just stopped by to tell you I have noted that you blogged about the giveaway, so you know that I know :)


  4. Helena -
    Oh! I'm so glad you like my blog!

    As well, now I know that you know that I know. . . what a relief that we've got that all cleared up. ;)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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