It's Something

It's about time I let you know how my weekly chore list thing is going. It's been a few weeks with the list after all. In all honesty, it's going okay. The house surely isn't a disaster, but I'm just not as continuously motivated. Of course, I think the big problem is my sleep schedule. It's OFF! I can't seem to sleep at night and then when I get to sleep, I can't get up at a reasonable hour. I'm working on it. Blah!

While I'm not getting much marked off the chore list, I did work my way down another to do list: the beading one!
I threw together a quick necklace to go with an outfit that just needed a necklace.
Mostly, I just wanted to play around with some of my tools and supplies.

It actually looked a lot better with the outfit I wore the other day than it did with this shirt!

In addition, I started and finished my bracelet for the 7000 Beads of Hope Blog Hop. Here's a sneaky peek.

I also FINALLY started on my project for the Button Swap. Again, here's a quick peek at what I've got so far.

This bracelet ended up in the shop.
Tropical Sunrise Bracelet
That's about it for today. It's not much. . .but it's something!


  1. You sound like a very organised home maker; a cooking list and a weekly chore list! I am sincerely impressed.
    I think I may try that! And the necklace is very nice!!

  2. Jenni-
    Yes, I SOUND like it. . . If it weren't for the lists it would all fall apart. I really just like lists!


  3. Love the necklace! And the bracelet :) That lampie focal is so cool. It makes me think of the sun and the sea.

  4. Helena,
    Thanks so much.
    As far as the focal, I thought so to. That's why I named it tropical sunrise. It just screams water and sky! ;)

  5. I like the necklace. It's simple, casual, and very artsy. :) But I love that bracelet! How happy and colorful, almost tropical looking. Wonderful! Whoever ends up with it will be a lucky person indeed. :)

  6. Jacinta,
    I'm so glad you like the necklace. It's one of those things that I know I won't sell. . .I'll just like to have it around for myself. For fun!

    And. . .you LOVE the bracelet?! Yay!!! Thanks so much for the encouragement. It warms my heart!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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