Pushing Through

I mentioned yesterday that I got some crafty work done over the weekend. . .but I failed to snap a photo of it to show you. So, here's a sneak peek at some of the beady bliss in which I enveloped myself.

I'm trying to focus on getting some tasks accomplished today, so this will be a fairly short post (especially since I posted so late yesterday. . . not much has happened since then.)

Basically, I listed a new necklace.
The Cat's Meow Necklace

I've also been working on getting some more earrings made. Earrings tend to be my go-to project when I'm working in short bursts like I am today.

It's been a while since I've shared some links, so let me do that and be out of your hair.
Crafty Links 
(Topic: Purse/Bag . . .these are items that you could keep in your purse or how to make a purse/bag) Unfortunately, most of these are sewing centered, so they're on my list of items I wish I could make.
I think I've gone over the time limit I'd given myself to write this. . back to the grind.


  1. I am imagining you setting a timer... and running around.... setting a timer...and running around LOL! Have you noticed the new hot thing? Apple cozies - I swear do an Etsy search!

    Happy Tuesday!!! XO

  2. Patty,
    It's not EXACTLY like that. More of setting a timer and making some earrings. . .when the timer goes off I do a 'chore' then I re-set the timer. Ah well. . .

    I HAVE seen the apple cozies. . . .so stinking cute!

  3. Lots of pretties in those pictures! I checked out the apple cozies too... actually a good idea.. I always wrap mine in a paper towel! You do keep busy but it sounds like it is working for you!

  4. Marian,

    I have to stay busy or I worry myself crazy with other thoughts and daydreams. Plus, I sooooo get distracted easily.
    Thanks for stopping by!! :D


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