Honey Do List Reveal (July 2022)

I was kicking myself for not having the time to participate in last month's Honey Do List challenge from SJ Designs Jewelry as the inspiration photo was of a Chihuly glass art installation, and I LOVE Chihuly's work. Fortunately, Sarajo and Eric used another photo of Chihuly's art this month too. YAY! 

Something about this inspiration felt watery and almost jellyfish-like. And, the colors...they're almost all there! I knew I could make something from this eye candy of inspiration.

As a design ambassador for Jesse James Beads (#jjbambassador), I have received a beautiful array of beads, pendants, chains, and other glorious bits in the past several months. So, I let these two "challenges" combine and created a couple pairs of earrings from some of my JJB stashes for the Honey Do List. 

Between the underwater feel, the glass itself, and the color array of the inspiration photo, these earrings fell together. The mermaid tails came from my latest mix from the May 2022 Magical Mystery Bead Box while the yellow and orange beads are part of the Sunset Goddess Bead Mix

It may come as no surprise to anyone, but the blue of the inspiration photo really stood out to me personally. And, then there were the lines on much of the glass that caught my eye. This collection of beads (also from the May Magical Mystery Bead Box) seemed to emulate those points to me. Aren't they gorgeous?

Once I had these two earrings made, I knew I could be done with the challenge, but something told me to try playing with my tin as well. I kept seeing crinkled discs in the inspiration photo. So, I cut out a bunch of discs, altered them, and created this wonky pendant. 

While I do feel that it captures the inspiration, it just doesn't feel quite right.

So, with the leftover discs, I created this one instead.

It worked out much better!

Hopefully, I can bring in more of those gorgeous Jesse James Beads to make a simple chain for at least one of these pendants, but I was running out of time again before this reveal. The chain(s) will have to come later.

Now, I invite you to head over to the Honey Do List reveal to see what Sarajo made with the inspiration. There, you will also find links to the other artists who participated as well as a way to add your own link if you want to play along!

Thanks to Sarajo and Eric for another beautiful challenge!!

Fairy Magic Assemblage Art for #4Core

As soon as I watched Ina Solsbery's announcement of what the four core ingredients were for her #4core challenge, I had inklings of an idea. The theme of this month's 2D or 3D mixed media piece was to pick out a talent or superpower. I almost immediately knew that it would be "Magic" for me. I had the initial vision to create some sort of wizard (think Harry Potter) study, but that seemed like a stretch for me, and it felt very close to what Ina created last month. So, other ideas began to brew. One morning, I woke up and knew that this beauty was what I need to make. 

Ina's other three "ingredients" were to have a description (basically the name of your talent/superpower) within the piece, add a bit of a map, and include wood in its natural color. 

I am completely taken with what I was able to put together. Everything about this shadowbox piece makes me smile. And, it really wasn't that hard to create. Getting started was the biggest hurdle.

You can watch my Fairy Magic Assemblage Art video on YouTube. It shares each of the steps I took to make my own magic. 

Here are a few more detailed shots of the piece so you can see some of what I love about it. 
There's a special something about that golden frame contrasting against the natural sticks and moss. 

Can you ever really go wrong with crackle paste?

What's not to love about a serious fairy and a quote from Roald Dahl?

This piece will be staying in my own collection for now, but I do have a few other assemblage pieces available in the Etsy Shop

So, what do you think? Do you love it as much as I do?

ICAD 31-45

 I've made it through the third quarter of ICAD (Index Card a Day) and am ready to share with you what I created in those days. Clicking on the picture and/or caption should take you to the video of that card being made. Enjoy!!

Day 31

Day 32

Day 33

Day 34

Day 36

Day 37

Day 38

Day 39

Day 40

Day 41

Day 42

Day 43

Day 44

Day 45

There are some real winners and some other lessons learned in this bunch. I can't believe there's only one last quarter of this challenge to go. So...which is your favorite?

DIY Golden Petal Earrings

 It's funny how just pulling out some random materials can inspire you and result in something pretty awesome. That was the case with these fun earrings. 

The monthly birthstone Pirates Pretty Jewelry Challenge from Angela at Pirate Pretties Jewelry had me searching my stash for ruby red and gold to make earrings. I happened to pull out those big rings and spied the golden glass teardrop beads in the same drawer. As I laid them together on my desk, the bead strand curved around the rings, and the idea for these earrings was born. 

In all honesty, they're so very simple. But, as is often the case, simple can be best. Once the idea was fully formed, I popped on the video camera and recorded a quick video to share with you on how to make your own Golden Petal Earrings

I really am tickled with how they came together and am glad I have more of those teardrop beads in a few different colors so I can experiment with other palettes too. But, these are pretty stunning in their gold and pop of red combination.

Head on over to the short video and let me know what you think. What color should I try next?

Bead Box 15 - Reveal

I recently finished all the pieces stocked into the fifteenth version of my Bead Box. This is a basic plastic organizer with seventeen compartments that I use to pack up designs that can be assembled while I travel or am otherwise uninspired. I've already shared what I stocked in the box so now it's time for the reveal. 

Usually, I only reveal seventeen designs - one for each compartment, but this one has nineteen as I got so inspired that I packed it all in as best as possible. So...here we go. 

I have a thing for the mystical and magical and somehow mushrooms play right into that for me. So, this little mushroom jar tickles me to no end. I wasn't sure how long the necklace would be once I wired the beads together, but some added chain gave it the length I wanted. 

It was simple enough to wrap up the beads for this chain in a simple pattern that corresponds with the colors in the tin disc. For such a small piece, it really packs in some interest.

The picture I took of this necklace captures the moodiness that I feel it has, despite the "zeal" word on the pendant. It's simple but lovely.

How fun are these!? I wanted the dangles to be as colorful and cute as those little triangles of tin, and I think I succeeded in that. 

These little beauties were so easy to pull together. They make me think of frosty cold beverages on the beach.

It's crazy to me that these earrings are basically the same as the ones before them because these feel a little more buttoned-up and classic - perfect for a boardroom. 

I owe the design of this necklace to my bead friend Jenny. She has a tutorial for this bead tassel necklace in her Etsy shop. In it she explains how to pick out beads and color palettes, putting the design together, and so many amazing tips. I definitely recommend it. 

As a Design Ambassador for Jesse James Beads, I receive lots of their cool beads. The next several designs consist primarily of beads from them. This earring design almost fell together. And, aren't they gorgeous!?

Likewise, once I saw this little green connector, I knew it needed to be a bracelet. It didn't take much to pull this beautiful design together. 

These seem like they were meant to be. As I mentioned before, the tin pieces were from my stash. I just happened to finally find the right beads to go with them in my Jesse James Bead stash. 

I seriously don't know what I would have done with this unique pendant I made if it hadn't been for one of the bead strands I received from Jesse James. Somehow, they were just right for this short necklace. 

In my mind, you can never go wrong with lots of blue. I mean...isn't this necklace just dreamy and perfect? 

Simplicity at its finest! This is a necklace that will go with anything. 

These earrings were made with the above necklace in mind. And, like them, they will go with just about anything in your wardrobe. 

I knew when I packed the bead box that this necklace would be my favorite, and I was right. It checks so many of my boxes - teal, sparkle, simple, pretty. 

I knew these would work beautifully before I even put them together. I was right. 

I have mixed feelings about this necklace. It looks great and took me FOREVER to make. But, the weight. . . it just isn't quite right. Some of the beads in the necklace are heavier than the focal so it doesn't hang as it should. I will likely have to find something heavy to add to the focal to make it work before I can really call this one finished.

It took very little to pull these last earrings together - just a few wire wraps. 

With that, this Bead Box was done (for the most part). Here's a look at all my previous stocked and revealed boxes, if you're interested. 

I've already got Bead Box 16 stocked and ready to go. So, you can expect that blog post soon. Usually, I tell you where you can find the completed items (as they often end up in one of my shops or sold before I get the rest of the designs completed.) However, I delayed listing these items this time around. I'd love to hear which ones are your favorite!

July Art Challenges and Inspirations

For you and me both, I like to make this little monthly list of art challenges and inspirations to keep up with anything I want to try out and be able to find some inspiration when I need it. I hope this list does the same for you. Here's what I have for July. 

  • Each month you can find an inspiration photo over on the SJ Designs Jewelry blog. Sarajo's husband, Eric, shares the photo with her readers, and they call it the Honey Do List. The July inspiration photo is available now, and the reveal date is set for July 25th. 
  • The Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge reveal is coming up very soon on July 15th. This is a birthstone challenge from Angela. This month, the color is Ruby, the metal is gunmetal or gold, the project type is earrings, and the optional fun elements are skulls or owls. You can post your reveal on either YouTube or on the Pirate Pretties Facebook Page. You can find all the information about this challenge in Angela's video (linked above.)
  • Halcraft collection shares its pretty palette challenge each month. This month the palette is called Summer Fun! You can learn all about this jewelry challenge over on their site. 
  • Ina Solsbery has revealed her list of Four Core ingredients for her mixed media #4Core challenge for July. You have all month to make something and email a picture (and even a video link) to her that fits within the requirements. I encourage you to watch her video - the information about July is at the end. 
  • If you're interested in another mixed media challenge, there's always Mixed Media Menagerie from Nicole, Erin, and Laura. It's a simple art journal challenge that gives you three prompts. This month, those are oil sticks, fabric, and birds. You can click on any of the hosts' names above to go to their videos and learn more about the challenge. 
  • Terry of The Tapping Flamingo on YouTube has a Be Creative collaboration challenge each month. It is open to any medium. The theme this month is History and the hashtag is #BeCreativeHistory. Watch the linked video to get more information from her. The reveal is on July 13th. 

    I'm already running behind but hope to participate in most of these if possible. Let me know if you're participating and if there are any other challenges that should be added to the list. Happy creating!

    ICAD 16-30

    As I just finished up the first half of Index Card a Day (ICAD), I figured that it was time to share them (and their corresponding videos with you.) 

    Day 16 - Green Gold

    Day 17 - Stenciling

    Day 18 - Halftone and Alphabet

    Day 19 - Selvedge and Chipboard

    Day 20 - Promptless

    Day 21 (No video)

    Day 22 - Rub-ons

    Day 23 - Purple and Pyrrole Red

    Day 24 - Print and Doodling

    Day 25 - No prompts, no words

    Day 26 - Hand Stitching

    Day 27 - Machine

    Day 28 - Pattern

    Day 29 - Neon and Tissue Paper

    Day 30 - Magical & Titanium White

    And, there is another whole month ahead of me. I guess we'll see where that takes me. 

    Winding down the 100DayProject

    I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...