Clean House and To Do

I assure you that I have NOT dropped off the face of the Earth. I've been attending parties, cleaning house, and overall just been way busy. In fact, I've been so busy, I think I made myself sick and was unable to attend a party Sunday night. I ended up feeling better later in the afternoon on Sunday and LOML* and I decided to paint the guest bathroom.

We're kinda freaking out because I'm having some ladies from my Mardi Gras Society over to our house this week. We don't EVER have people over to our house. All of our friends have kids, and we end up at their houses because it doesn't make sense to bring them over to ours. As such, we have not really focused on making sure our house is in 'company condition.' I'm not saying it was a total wreck, just a slight wreck. You know - surfaces needed to be dusted, floors needed vacuuming, mail needed sorting, and those kind of things. We were also able to accomplish some 'decorating' tasks. Now, the house looks GREAT. I am so glad to have this completed before Christmas and New Year's so hopefully we can go into the new year with a beautifully cleaned house and keep it that way. We'll see.....

So, I'm sorry the blog has been ignored, but I have been accomplishing other items on my to do list. I still haven't really gone Christmas shopping. I made sure to ask my boss at our Company party on Friday if I could have this Friday off to work on the whole shopping thing. I have been granted this request and now have a million lists running through my mind of who I need to shop for, what I need to get, where I need to go, etc. etc. etc. I suppose I should start writing these down. Hmmmm, guess I'd better get to work!

*LOML=Love of My Life

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