A New Resolve

This week (the gap between Christmas and New Year's) gives off a sensation of transition. As I begin to embark upon the upcoming new year and finish off the last of the cookies, the last of the holiday sales, and the last of this year, I begin to ponder what the new year may hold. For this "Feel Good Friday" I'm thinking about resolutions and goals for the new year.Before you sit down to write out your 'resolutions,' reflect back over your year's successes and failures. Think about what you did well and what you want to do better. I know it is said that no one ever keeps New Year's resolutions. So, instead of a resolution, try to make a few goals. You've got a little time to think about it. For a little creative inspiration, here are a couple of ideas to make you "feel good" in the new year
Here are my own New Year's goals:
1. Get organized
2. Lose Weight via diet and exercise
3. Craft more

It's going to be hard to change habits but I just need to find the right motivation.
I found most of the above links at Zen Habits. There's some GREAT information for self-improvement at that site. Check it out when you get a chance.

Get started on your list and lemmie know what your 2008 goals will be.

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