Art Journal Videos from May 2022

In case you missed them, here are the Art Journal Videos I shared on the CraftyHope YouTube Channel in May. Let me go ahead and mention that June's list is already out of control because it's Index-Card-a-Day (ICAD) season, and I've been sharing my cards daily and may go ahead and list them weekly here too. We'll see how I feel about that soon. In any's May. 

Junk Journal Page - Care

Art Journal Spread - Flowers for #MMMMay22

Junk Journal Page - Begin

Junk Journal Page with a Pocket

Let me tell you that these four pages are four of my favorite, ever. But, I suppose that's what happens when you keep making things - you get better at it and learn more about what you like and like to do. If you want to see more from me, head over to my CraftyHope YouTube Channel. Let me know what you think!

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