May Challenges and Inspirations

*Updated May 20

It's May, y'all. How? I made the little photo for this post and seriously made it for March. It wasn't until I wrote the title in up there that it hit me, IT'S MAY!! Dang. I'm actually getting some things made outside of the challenges, but some of my best work last month was the result of challenges. So, let me share what lies ahead for May. Note that some of the reveals are coming up soon!

And, that's all I know of right now. As always, I'd love to include more on this list. Let me know if there are any other challenges, inspirations, or blog hops that you're following. 

1 comment:

  1. Even though I'm not forcing myself to play in challenges, I've got some butterfly ides. So, we'll see. And yes, it's May, can you believe it?


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