Menu Plan Monday and Recipe Review

It's seriously time to get back on track with the meal planning. Between working on the magazine and Pat being out of town, I simply didn't even bother with figuring out what I/we was (were) going to eat. That was probably a mistake as I/we ended up eating out or eating crap the majority of last week. While this week doesn't have as many meatless meals as I would usually plan for us, I'm letting myself splurge a little since it is my birthday week after all (bring on the bacon!)

Breakfasts: Cereal, Smoothies, PB toast, Cinnamon rolls, Eggs w/bacon & toast, French Toast

Lunches: PB&J, Tuna noodles, Chicken finger wrap, Pepperoni paninis, Soup w/grilled cheese, Cheese quesidillas

Bacon and mushroom Mini Quiches w/salad
Soup (from freezer: either chili, pad Thai soup, or Italian Chicken soup)
Mac-n-cheese w/conecuh sausage & green beans
Turkey Filets w/mashed potatoes & peas

As usual, I'm linking up with I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

Recipe Review

Spaghetti with Lemon and Parm: As with anything involving pasta, cheese, and lemon; I really loved this dish. It was pretty easy too. There's a definitely possibility it will be made again.

Honey brushed chicken thighs: I had the chicken thighs for another dish I had planned but never got to before some of the other ingredients. . .turned. So, I did a quick search for something flavorful and easy to do with the thighs. This was just that. However, there was something about it that was 'just okay' to me. I might make it again if I'm looking for something fast.

Parmesan basil orzo: (Another pasta and parm dish, go figure) I wanted a starchy side to go with the chicken (above) but also wanted to just use ingredients I had on hand. Somehow I have this box of orzo that seems to be self-refilling, and I always have parm in the fridge. I did substitute dried basil for the fresh, and I think that worked just fine. It was really, really good. This might come into regular rotation since I still have all this orzo!

Maybe next week I can get myself back in gear for the low meat diet we've been striving to maintain. Do you have any great vegetarian dishes? Please share.


  1. The spaghetti with the lemon and Parm sounds really good. And yes a birthday does merit more bacon :) Happy B-day.

  2. I will have to try the orzo. It sounds delicious.

    1. Oh, Kim it was! And it was really easy too. I'm all for something that easy and in one pot too! Let me know how you like it.


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