Sale in the Etsy Shop

How is your Holiday shopping coming? I've just barely begun myself and am a little ashamed to admit that. But, I know that I'm usually running a bit behind, pandemic or not! To help you get your shopping done, I've decided to offer a 20% off sale in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop (no coupon needed)! Here's some of what you'll find there.

Soldered Button Necklace

Green Ombre Embossed Earrings

Tin Cone Necklace

Double Arch Earrings

Tin and Loops Bracelet

Pistachio Key Necklace

Pink Column Earrings

And, there's plenty more to explore. In addition, I'm hoping to relist a few things that have expired. So, make sure to check back in the shop. Oh, and if you are running a little behind, the sale will be running through December 1st. Happy shopping!

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