Bead Table Wednesday

As I am still in the middle of my craft room overhaul, you can find me working from the dining room table. The surfaces in the craft room are just not conducive right now. While I wouldn't exactly call the dining table a "bead table" since it's not seeing any beading action, it is functioning as my current work surface. Of course, there are a few beads on the table since I just received a package in the mail. So, I figured I'd share that with you for Bead Table Wednesday.

Stacerella and I have been Twitter friends for some time now. I'm pretty sure that she's no longer blogging, but quite active on twitter and always willing to answer questions. A few weeks ago, she informed me that she had some beads she wanted to send me. . . FOR FREE!! I couldn't refuse. The package came in the mail on Monday. . .all the way from Canada!
Everything was wrapped in bubble wrap and weighed a ton
Here's just a sample of what she sent.
That's just SOME of the loot! I'm so very appreciative for crafty friends out there. Thanks Stacerella!!

If you want to see what's on other bead tables, Check out the BTW Flickr Group
Bead Table Wednesday
In other news, there's a fantastic new bracelet in the shop.
Twilight Sky Bracelet

And yet another pair of earrings in the Sale section
Flight of Fancy Earrings - 20% Off

Instead of working on the craft room this afternoon, I'm hoping to get out to do some thrifting for organizational supplies and furniture FOR the craft room. My luck in this has been pretty sad lately. Here's hoping it turns around this afternoon.


  1. You are most welcome. I'm glad the lot of 'em will find a new design use with you, or within some bead soup. :-)


  2. Lucky Girl! That was a huge stash she sent you! I love the red rounds...for some reason, I think it's hard to find good red beads. Those green flowers are sweet too! Happy Beading!

  3. Hi,

    I would like to invite you to a blog hop i am hosting.

    It is a chance to gain new readers and meet other bloggers.

    Stop by for further details.



    I would like to invite you to a blog hop i am hosting.

    It is a chance to gain new readers and meet other bloggers.

    Stop by for further details.


  4. Wow, how awesome to get all those beads for free!!! Once you restore your bead room you'll have a ton of new beady goodies to play with.

  5. Well, you are a lucky one, lovely free beads. What a nice person to send you all those goodies.
    Hope you had luck thrifting....

  6. Hope you have some luck in the thrifting department. I've had to move my workshop/collection of tables and shelves a couple of times and having it all torn apart can be a little bit overwhelming so I feel for you. At least you have some new beads as a distraction! haaaaaaa
    Have fun

  7. Oh wow!! Thank all y'all for coming by.

    Stacey-I can't wait to get the craft room done so I can actually PLAY with the new beads :D

    Erin-Yes, the red rounds are fab too. I actually have a necklace already designed in my head with those beads. I can't wait!

    Lioness-Thanks for the invite and for stopping by.

    Linda-I KNOW!! It's killing me!!!

    Jenni-Thanks. I try to count my blessings (and my generous friends) as often as possible. And the thrifting. . .well it was not a total bust.

    Jen-The thrifiting is not going as planned. But, that just means I have to do MORE! Oh, what lovely distraction, huh?

    Thank YOU!!

  8. How sweet of her to send them to you! They look so precious - especially the the red ones already on a bracelet/ necklace (did you make that?).

    The twilight sky bracelet looks gorgeous. You are very talented!

  9. Bibi- It was so VERY sweet. I didn't do the chain, she sent it to me that way. I haven't decided if I'll take it apart yet or not.
    I really like the bracelet too. It's my favorite colors. ;)


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