Tearing it Up on Bead Table Wednesday

My motivation today really waned. Between a late night and an allergic reaction ON MY FACE, I just wasn't feeling up to creating anything. After a few hours bemoaning my situation, I realized that I really wanted to take out my frustration by being somewhat destructive.

I knew the perfect project!
Grabbing my basket of vintage and junk jewelry, I dumped it out on the craft desk and started taking it apart.

I clipped the backs off old earrings, filed away rough edges, and took charms off necklaces.

Of course by the time I got to this project I had already wasted away most of the day. I had less than an hour to productively destroy or destructively create or something like that. Yet, I tore up what I could. Before I knew it, I had to leave the bead table for other obligations.

Please head over to the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group (http://www.flickr.com/groups/1601463@N21/) to see some way more creative and decidedly less destructive craft desks.

Pardon the iPhone photos and the iPad post, but I'm having to write away from the house.
I hope you're having a better day than me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. We are a fine couple - you tearing things up and me making things ( like my post ) disappear!!! XOXO

  2. Patty- Oh! Thank you for that laugh! I needed it SO MUCH!

    After all this talk about your post, I really want to see it. I've done the same thing before. The key is to set up the date and time you want it to be posted and then hit "publish" not SAVE. When you save it, it just saves it as a draft. I did that with my bead soup post accidentally, but woke up early enough to catch it. You might want to look in your drafts to make sure it's not still there. Of course, the internet does eat a lot of things that I've had disappear into nothingness also. So I know how that goes.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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