A Quick I Heart Macro

I've spent the entire weekend running around like a chicken with my head cut off and very little time at home. I'm exhausted and ready to spend some one on one time with my wonderful husband (what the heck am I doing blogging. . .) When we finally reached the house after our last errand, I was quite relieved to be home where have these flowers were greeting me in my very own flowerbed.

Check out what the rest of the macro lovers are up to at Studio Waterstone's I Heart Macro

Now to get back to that man-o-mine!!


  1. What are you up to now??? Soomersaults?Yoga? Reading War and Peace? ....Where does the weekend go? : ) Beautiful shots Hope! XO

  2. I love when a new flower blooms, or to sit and look at the colors in bloom :) beautiful flowers btw!!

  3. Patty - Oh just busy with some of the nieces' activities as well as visiting with friends and family. It's been such a busy weekend I actually just said that I understood why some people go to be at 8pm. sigh

    Hal'ween- I'm not a huge fan of pink or of roses, but the yard guys put in these bushes when we were trying to sell the house. These bushes are almost always full of pretty pink flowers. It's very cool!!

  4. Nothing like beautiful flowers in your own garden to give you a lift.
    Sounds like you are having fun, even if very busy.

  5. Jenni- It really has been nice, but I feel like I didn't have enough time to give any of these pursuits enough attention. I feel stretched thin. I'm so happy to be re-grouping and resting.

  6. What beautiful flowers you have, so well captured. Thank you for visiting my blog and leave such a lovely comment.

  7. Beautiful flowers Hope. Thank you for participating and I hope you were able to have a peaceful Sunday evening. :)

  8. Nadege-And thank you as well! I appreciate the visit!

    Lori- Thanks so much. The rest of Sunday was just fine. . . :D

  9. The pictures are gorgeous! You have an eye for pictures!

  10. Bibi- Thanks so much! I'm still learning, but I do try to capture just SOME of the beauty I find in the world!

  11. It is so nice to have your own flowers, not much blooming here yet I am waiting......Enjoy!

  12. Kimmykat- It's almost summer here already. We're having some cooler temps this week, but the heat is coming, I feel it in my bones. And then. . .I shall melt!


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