Yard Sale Success, Now Not So Good

Unfortunately, this weekend is not going as un-planned as I had hoped. I awoke yesterday a little hung over before deciding to just get over it and go to some yard sales. I scored big with a jar of buttons, some button cards, and some wooden jewelry. Oh, I bought some other items but these were my favorites.

After shopping, I started to go through the jar of buttons and discovered that it was filled with other little treasures of ephemera - broken marbles, shells, rusted safety pins, sequins, charms, and more - Oh My!

However, the hangover headache was getting worse. LOML* and I decided to go on to lunch. By the time lunch was over both my head and my throat were irritated. I went home for a nap while he ran some errands. When I woke up, the headache was GONE! But my throat was killing me. We went on to a fiend's house for the rest of the afternoon/evening, but my throat continued to THROB. I collapsed into bed when we got home. I'm now awake, will a full fledged sore throat and need to head out in a few minutes to see my niece. Good thing she's already sick. My un-planned weekend has taken a turn to the dark side, dangit. I'm still going to eke out what enjoyment I can. I'll let you know how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Cool deal on the button cards! Love 'em! Hope you feel better soon. :)


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