100th Post

100th Post
Originally uploaded by CraftyHope
For my hundredth post (yes really 100-I can't believe it), I decided it was time you got to put a face to these random posts. So, here I am! Blah!


  1. Yea!! I finally know what you look like!! haha. jk! Was wondering if you are still planning on coming up for the Tea. Drop me an email or something and let me know! Miss you! :-)

  2. Cool! Thanks for sharing "You" with "Us." ;-)
    Is that a corduroy jacket? 'Cause seriously, I love corduroy jackets. And I am so not a button-craft kind-of-gal, but I LOVE your necklace!!!

  3. Graystar-of course YOU already know what I look like (brat!)

    Bellakarma - yes, it is corduroy (thrifted at that) and my favorite at the moment. Thanks (about the necklace).


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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