Wild Wild Web Wednesday

I've still got a lot on my plate right now but do NOT want to neglect my blog obligations. As such, today's "Wild Wild Web Wednesday" is not completely thought out, but rather a simple list of the first several items I have saved for this topic. They are still completely awesome, and I hope you enjoy!
  • Gentlemen, did you know that more than being the 'freshmaker', mentos can boost your confidence with the ladies. Excellent!
  • Just so you know, this is how NOT to pull down a palm tree.
    You could totally see that coming, right?
  • Check out this neat online jigsaw puzzle. It's not what you expect. I haven't had time to really try to solve it, but had fun messing around with it the other day.
  • I've never been into long distance relationships, but the kiss phone might make one a little more bearable. Can you imagine?
  • Lastly, check out these memorable movie scenes in legos. Wow!
Alrighty - that's all for now. Enjoy your 'hump day'!!

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