Valentine Ideas and a Meal Plan

I'm usually so better prepared for Valentine's day than I am right now. Is it REALLY tomorrow? That cannot be! I haven't decided on what to make Pat for this occasion (as I almost always MAKE his gift.) I've compiled a few crafty and cute ideas on my Valentine Love Pintrest Board, but still haven't decided just exactly what I like the most. Here are a few of the cuties on that board (the captions are links that will take you to the original posts.)

Gnome Terrarium from Jac o' lyn Murphy
I love you collage from DebSchwedhelm
Jar of Love from Family Chic
Printable Card and Blank Coupons from Love vs. Design
You + Me Printable from Junk in their Trunk

And lastly for a giggle. . ..
Printable Mustache Valentines from Life on Brixton Lane

So that's just some of them. There are a few more on that Pintrest Board of mine if you're interested and waiting until the last minute like me!

In addition to being lackadaisical about Valentine's Day, my meal plan this Monday is quite non-intensive. See, we've got big Valentine plans this weekend and I'm more concerned with that than anything else right now. Yet, I did make the menu so we will still eat. . .Hurrah!

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, eggs w/toast & bacon, bagels w/fruit, omelets

Lunches: Sandwiches (PB&J or turkey), leftovers, Spicy Thai Noodles, grilled cheese w/soup, chicken salad pitas

Chicken Fajitas w/corn
Grilled shrimp, sweet potatoes, fresh green beads (Valentine's Dinner)
Soup (from freezer)

~~There's more Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.~~

I'm off to make some other decisions about how the week needs to progress and what I needs to be doing to get ready for the weekend!!

How are you celebrating Valentine's Day? AND, did you make a gift? What is it? I need some IDEAS people, and FAST!!


  1. I love a few of those things you shared! I haven't done anything for Valentine's day! My Mom is gone on travel so we all gave each other our gifts and candy over the weekend.

  2. Tsoniki- I'm so glad you like those links. They were the 'best of the best.' Unfortunately, I didn't find a whole lot this year. . .I've been so buried under other things. We're not really doing anything tomorrow either, we're waiting until the weekend for our 'celebration' but I like to have him a little something on V-day. I hope I figure it out in the next few hours!! eek!

  3. Love the pics! (and the menu) Our Valentines will be a regular old night - for me anyway - as my sweetheart will be 9 hours away. Thank goodness love transcends even that distance. :) Have a great one.


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