Bead Table Wednesday: Creative Relaxation

I've been editing photos and writing descriptions like a madwoman for days now. Since I'm feeling a bit on edge, I know it's time for me to plant myself in the craft room and get creative for a little while. It's therapy!

Here's just some of the options on my craft desk today.
Strands of beads bought on our last two trips out of town (left) and a pair of earrings in process (right)
MOP pendant and freshwater pearls that I might use to play along for the Bead Soup Blog Party. If so I desperately need to get busy on that soon!
Enameled beads and glass headpins I won from Gardanne's blog. Aren't they PRETTY!? Here's Gardanne's shop as well.

I've got a short day today since a local bead store's having a 40% off everything sale (that I MUST check out) and I'm heading over to help with the nieces after while. Sooooo, I better get to work! Head over to the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group for more beady goodness!

Lastly, before I head out there's two new items and another re-list in the shop.
Fancy Free Necklace (NEW)
Bright Daisy Necklace (NEW)
Glitter and Glow Earrings (Re-list)

What have you got going on?


  1. Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's feeling the crunch time of Bead Soup! What a lucky win on those pretty enameled beads. Lovin' that new Bright Daisy necklace as well. Such happy colors!

  2. Karyn- HA! I've gone back and forth. Since my name didn't come out of the hat, it's not necessary for me to make something. However, I told myself I would and even picked out that set. Now I'm just not feeling it! :( Yes, those Gardanne beads are AWESOME! Love them! Lastly, I do love my bright colors! Thanks so much for popping in!

  3. Congratulations on those enameled beads -so gorgeous! I also like your new necklace, Fancy Free, beautiful work ;)

  4. Oooo, I'm so jealous you won the enameled beads and glass headpins from Gardanne's blog! ;-) Congrats, though--I'm glad they went to you! Can't wait to see what you make with them!

    I was just having a peek at your Etsy shop. So many great items there! I really enjoy your designs!

  5. Hope, I am loving what I am seeing on your table the MOP pendant is very pretty. I really like your necklaces and the Daisy one is my favorite.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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