Words For Valentine's Day

I've found that ever since we got this desktop set up in the living room. I haven't ventured very far from it. This means I've only gone into the craft room to gather my photography supplies. I think I need to remedy that issue this afternoon. Of course, I still have LOADS of photos to take and edit. . . .Oh well, I need a crafty break!

Today is Day 2 of the February Photo a Day Challenge and the topic is Words.
Here's the picture I captured.
Day 2: Words

I made this canvas for the hubs back in October for our anniversary. I thought it would be perfect to share today as Valentine's Day begins to creep up on us. Here's a link to my Sign of Love tutorial and a better shot of the finished piece.

I've got a notebook full of crafty jewelry ideas but am at a loss for what to make HIM for Valentine's Day this year. I was going to share some of the neat items I've made for Pat int he past for Valentine's, but all I can find documented is this Valentine's one from 2010. I wonder what's up with that. . .
Anyway, have you found or made any cool V-day projects? I'd so welcome the suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. Hope, You are so nice for making something for him! I hope he totally loved this, because that is just an awesome gift! Thanks for sharing how you made it!


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