Picture This: BTW and Photo-a-Day (Day 1)

I should have probably explained yesterday that I had no problem at all with the multitude of FAILs written all over the blog. I knew I wouldn't get to all the goals in the first month and am really proud of what I have been able to accomplish so far. I've got no worries about it, and y'all shouldn't either!

I do have a long list though, so let's make this as short as possible.

It's Bead Table Wednesday!!
There probably won't be any beads on my table today as I'm still trying to play catch up. 
Yesterday was full of photographing completed jewelry.
Using my new photo tent, cooking dinner (crockpot), and washing dishes (dishwasher); I'm a multi-tasking fool!!

Today's plans are to edit those images. JOY!

Bead Table Wednesday

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm participating in Fat Mum Slim's February Photo-a-Day challenge.

Day 1: Your View Today
The view from the desktop where I'll be editing those pictures.

It's time to get to it. What's your day look like?


  1. Hi Hope,
    I really need to get one of those photo tents! I like your view and me thinks your kitty likes his/hers.
    What I did today? Hum let's see, today was pay day so I paid bills and now I'm at work until 10pm.

  2. My day was pretty good until the puppy imploded in my minivan..... UGH!!! Love that first shot - yeah for multitasking!

  3. Love your view, especially the kitty in the window... and the lighting! What an artistic shot!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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