Mattress Prep

Yawn! Getting ready for a new mattress is a bit more work than you would think.
We bagged up another lawn and yard bag of clothes (all his!), gathered a box of items to donate (plus the old mattress and box springs), and threw away several large boxes of trash. Then, I vacuumed the floor and cleaned some stains on the carpet before LOML* put together the universal bed frame. After that, we decided to trim the cat's nails before blowing up the air mattress and heading to, um, floor. Neither of us slept too well on the air mattress. Apparently, the kitty wanted revenge and was CRAZY - which kept up LOML*. However, the air mattress was not the most comfortable surface for me. Now, I'm sore and have a headache that just won't quit. We CAN'T WAIT to go to bed tonight!!

"Techie Tuesday" is making an appearance today.
It's not much, but here you go:
  • Make a mandala online. I did!
  • Check out flickr vision where you can see what picture other people around the world are uploading to Flickr, in real time. Pretty cool.
Have a great day. Oh, and good news, if you ever come to stay with us, the air mattress is ALL YOURS!! It is more comfortable than the sofa bed, really!!

*LOML=Love of My Life

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