Craft Room Cleaning Update (and FGF)

Ohhhhh, you would be sooooo proud of me!! I got some cleaning and organizing in the craft room done last night. Really! I spent almost three hours (non-consecutive) in there. The first two were fairly slow-moving and included such mind-numbing, time wasting tasks such as peeling paper off crayons. However, after watching Last Comic Standing, I hit my second wind (I am a creature of the night) and breezed through that third hour.

It's not DONE yet, but SO MUCH CLOSER than it was on my last post. I'm so excited. It won't be much longer until it is 'surface' cleaned. (meaning: I can take a picture of it) I still have drawers and shelves and a closet that need complete re-organization, but this first stab through the room means that I can actually stand to go in there again. I have limited my crafty time this week, because I actually want to BE creative IN my creative space (the craft room) again. At some point, I plan to post some of my crafty storage 'solutions', but that means I have get those other projects accomplished first. I'm gonna try to just celebrate one accomplishment at a time for now though.

As for this weekend? Who knows what it holds. Apparently, the WIND is supposed to be good. So, LOML* wants to spend a large majority of time at the beach. We even talked about getting a condo or hotel room. That discussion didn't go much further than a quick search of what's available - not much. If he's really gung-ho about this, I may suggest taking the RV. We'll see.

Plans for the weekend must mean that it's "Feel Good Friday" at last.
  • Feeding the homeless (creatively)
  • Ways to get more zzzs. I can check off #10 on this list.
  • How about some beautiful, lovely room decorating inspiration. Makes me feel good and calm. (these are rooms that have already had an overhaul.)
  • You may have already seen this as it's all over the internets: Where the Hell is Matt Something about this really got me choked up - you know, common ground and all that. It is feel good though.
  • Finding10 things that shouldn’t be good for you, but are is so awesome!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on working in the craft room. I gotta come see it. We've been cleaning out closets and rooms here. I guess I'm trying to get organized in the hopes of finding a job soon.



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