Week in Review, Craft Room, and Monday

I've got so much to share with y'all.
Where to start? My weekend was pretty good. I got to visit with good friends AND got some stuff done that I wanted to do.
For one, I was able to check out some yard and estate sales. I'll share my haul with you on Thrifty Thursday. I also completed the CRAFT ROOM. Well, mostly - I'll get to that.
First, check out my Week in Review:
Alright, now to business. Do you remember before the craft room overhaul? It was an absolute creativity blocker. I was in need of some crafty viagra in the form of a clean space. Check it out now:
Overall, this is what it looks like:
Though it may not look all that done to you, it's a breath of fresh air for me. See all the stuff under the window - LOML* is going to make me a window bench with storage to clean that area. And, yes, the colorful fabric is hiding my filing. But wait, there's more:
This is the lid to a copy paper box. It is full of started, but not completed, projects. I've pledged to work on these first. In fact, I've already repaired a necklace for my grandmother.
This is my stack of paper through which to sort. It's magazine clippings, directions from the internet, to-do lists, and SO MUCH MORE!
I also have to organize the closet and a few drawers, but I can walk through the room and find most of what I need. How exciting is that? Well, if you must know - VERY!!

I know you all came here because it's "Made Me Smile Monday" So, I don't want to disappoint:


  1. Wow! I'm impressed! The craft room looks amazing.

  2. Thanks! It was a lot of hard work but TOTALLY worth it. I just need to notch out some time for crafting now!!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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