Craft Room Overhaul

So, on Sunday, I was able to get in my craft room and begin (again) my seemingly never-ending process of organization. Ever since I got back and unpacked from Huntsville, it’s been an overwhelming disaster. As well, there are some things that I just placed on the floor in there as we were re-organizing the bedroom. Here's some pictures of it (turn away and scroll down quickly if you offended by HUGE messes.)
I feel that I’ve GOT to get back into my creative habits since I haven’t felt too much myself lately. I was able to work on some crafty projects last week (as you can see from my week in review.) But, those were all accomplished in the living room or elsewhere. As I was playing with some polymer clay (in the living room), I realized I couldn’t find a piece I needed to continue the project. It’s lost in the abyss of the craft room. It’s time to get organized.

I also have about a zillion started, but not completed, projects throughout the room.
It’s time to break those out and get them finished.

Yesterday, I began the pile-up. That’s how I start the process. A pile of stuff to go into another room, a pile of stuff to get donated, a pile of stuff for my nieces, a pile of books to go on the shelf, a pile of craft supplies to be put away, a pile of reading material through which to sort, a pile of trash, etc. The pile-up at least clears off surfaces so those can be organized also. I didn’t make it real far through the room. Instead, I hopped around all over the place instead of working across the room in a pattern like I usually do. I’ve made a promise to myself to work on it for at 15 minutes a day until it's in order. We’ll see, and I’ll try to keep you updated on how it’s looking. Maybe that will help me get it DONE.

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