The pregnancy fairy STILL has not visited me. Instead, the emotional, bloating, painful, bleeding, hateful demon of menstruation is visiting for a few days.
Am I am lucky or what? Perhaps the sarcasm fairy is visiting as well. Gimmie a minute and that one will flit away as the trio of self-loathing, doubt, and crying-fit fairies land with a thud on my windowsill. They're so graceful, and pretty too!! Eh - I guess sarcasm's staying for a while.
On a happier note, I was able to get something done from my crafts-to-do box last night. This was accomplished while watching
Project Runway and staying out of the way as LOML* installed the
new flat screen TV in the bedroom. We then proceeded to start up a movie, snuggle in bed, and promptly fall asleep. That TV is AWESOME!
For "Thrifty Thursday," I promised I'd share my weekend haul with you.

I was able to hit up an estate sale and three garage sales. The bulk of my purchases came from the estate sale.

These are what I'm calling the 'household goods' - they're basically decorative elements (forks and vintage pillowcase included!)

This box of sewing notions was all together. It included lots of buttons, some old embroidery hoops and thread, lots of sewing machine needles, embroidery needles, seam rippers, and misc. notions.

These were my favorites in the box - button cards and some kind of old-fashioned needle threader.

I also scored on the craft supplies with a box of old photos, broken jewelry, greeting cards, some plastic easter figures, playing cards, and a stack of scrapbooking paper.

There were TONS of craft books at the estate sale. I also found some neat kids books.

This alphabet one was my favorite. Elves rock (esp when they look like Orlando Bloom)

Here is one of the pages in the Elf book. In addition to the caption, there are dominoes, a dalmatian, a duck, daisies, and a dragonfly in the picture. Too cute!!
All of that for just $18 total! Talk about thrifty!!
In addition, here are some links for you to make your life more thrifty too:
Here's hoping the Happy Fairy lands on your doorstep with lots of luggage!!
*LOML= Love of My Life
Cool finds! Libby has the "Elfabet" book. Laura bought it, probably at a thrift store as well. Don't worry, the pregnancy fairy will visit. She has to. You'll make a great mommy. Just be patient. The doctors can also help. Sometimes nature needs a little help. We wouldn't have Lib if I didn't have surgery. I love you and I'm always here for you. Just call when you need to talk.