Meal Plan Oct 18 and Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

~First, if you are here to see my creation for Lorelei's Reader Challenge, click to go to my Jewelry Challenge Reveal page. ~

Let me admit that NONE of last week's menu was accomplished. Me being sick = no grocery shopping = no groceries = no cooking = not following the meal plan. I promise to try to do better this week. However, I'm not being overly adventurous with the plan. My man's now sick, and I want to fill him with comfort food.

I got a hankering for some homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on Saturday and finally broke down and and made them. Per a few Facebook requests, I've included the recipe for them at the end of this post.

But first, the menu. Remember to head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for other Menu Plan Monday ideas!

B: Eggs, bacon, toast
L: Leftovers
D: Grilled Chicken, mixed veggies (frozen), mac-n-cheese

B: Cereal
L: Chicken salad rollups, apple
D: Spaghetti, green salad

B: Muffins
L: Cheese quesidillas, salsa, fruit
D: Hope w/nieces (Pat on own)

B: Cereal
L: PB&J, crackers, fruit
D: Pork loin, green beans, long grain and wild rice

B: Pumpkin bread
L: Chicken tenders, tator tots
D: Mexican and/or going away party for friends

B: Omelets
L: Hot dogs, fruit
D: Crockpot Ham, yellow rice, peas

SUNDAY - I refuse to do any cooking, it's my birthday!

And with that, I'll leave you with my FAVORITE cookie recipe

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 C Shortening
1 C Brown sugar
1 C White sugar
2 Eggs
1 1/4 C Flour
1 t Baking soda
1/2 t Salt
1/2 t vanilla
3 C Oats
6 oz Chocolate Chips (optional)
(optional - coconut [about 1/4 C]) - I use this just to make the cookies a little more chewy, I like chewy

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl combine shortening, both sugars, and eggs; beat until creamy
2. Add flour, baking soda, and salt; mix thoroughly
3. Stir in vanilla, oats, chocolate chips, and coconut
4. Drop dough onto cookie sheet and bake 12-15 minutes until done
5. Makes 3-4 dozen cookies. Try not to consume them all in one day!


  1. Oh if only I could have an ounce of your organization when it comes to planning meals! It would sure help when the afternoon rolls around, I'm about to pick up the kids, and everyone's hungry!
    These cookies look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe. :-)

  2. I wish I felt as organized as these meal plans make me look. Of course, I don't have kids either so that frees up a bit of time ;)
    And, the cookies are sooooooo GOOD!!

  3. This recipe and that picture makes me verrrry hungry!!! :P


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